function [p, stats] = symamd2 (S, knobs) %SYMAMD Symmetric approximate minimum degree permutation. % P = SYMAMD2(S) for a symmetric positive definite matrix S, returns the % permutation vector p such that S(p,p) tends to have a sparser Cholesky % factor than S. Sometimes SYMAMD works well for symmetric indefinite % matrices too. The matrix S is assumed to be symmetric; only the % strictly lower triangular part is referenced. S must be square. % Note that p = amd(S) is much faster and generates comparable orderings. % The ordering is followed by an elimination tree post-ordering. % % Note that this function is source code for the built-in MATLAB symamd % function. It has been renamed here to symamd2 to avoid a filename clash. % symamd and symamd2 are identical. % % See also SYMAMD, AMD, COLAMD, COLAMD2. % % Example: % P = symamd2 (S) % [P, stats] = symamd2 (S, knobs) % % knobs is an optional one- to two-element input vector. If S is n-by-n, % then rows and columns with more than max(16,knobs(1)*sqrt(n)) entries are % removed prior to ordering, and ordered last in the output permutation P. % No rows/columns are removed if knobs(1)<0. If knobs(2) is nonzero, stats % and knobs are printed. The default is knobs = [10 0]. Note that knobs % differs from earlier versions of symamd. % COLAMD, Copyright (c) 1998-2022, Timothy A. Davis, and Stefan Larimore. % SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-clause % Developed in collaboration with J. Gilbert and E. Ng. % Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, % under grants DMS-9504974 and DMS-9803599. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % perform the symamd ordering: %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nargout <= 1 & nargin == 1) %#ok p = symamd2mex (S) ; elseif (nargout <= 1 & nargin == 2) %#ok p = symamd2mex (S, knobs) ; elseif (nargout == 2 & nargin == 1) %#ok [p, stats] = symamd2mex (S) ; elseif (nargout == 2 & nargin == 2) %#ok [p, stats] = symamd2mex (S, knobs) ; else error('symamd: incorrect number of input and/or output arguments.') ; end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % symmetric elimination tree post-ordering: %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ignore, q] = etree (S (p,p)) ; p = p (q) ; % stats is an optional 20-element output vector that provides data about the % ordering and the validity of the input matrix S. Ordering statistics are % in stats (1:3). stats (1) = stats (2) is the number of dense or empty % rows and columns ignored by SYMAMD and stats (3) is the number of % garbage collections performed on the internal data structure used by % SYMAMD (roughly of size 8.4*nnz(tril(S,-1)) + 9*n integers). % % MATLAB built-in functions are intended to generate valid sparse matrices, % with no duplicate entries, with ascending row indices of the nonzeros % in each column, with a non-negative number of entries in each column (!) % and so on. If a matrix is invalid, then SYMAMD may or may not be able % to continue. If there are duplicate entries (a row index appears two or % more times in the same column) or if the row indices in a column are out % of order, then SYMAMD can correct these errors by ignoring the duplicate % entries and sorting each column of its internal copy of the matrix S (the % input matrix S is not repaired, however). If a matrix is invalid in other % ways then SYMAMD cannot continue, an error message is printed, and no % output arguments (P or stats) are returned. SYMAMD is thus a simple way % to check a sparse matrix to see if it's valid. % % stats (4:7) provide information if SYMAMD was able to continue. The % matrix is OK if stats (4) is zero, or 1 if invalid. stats (5) is the % rightmost column index that is unsorted or contains duplicate entries, % or zero if no such column exists. stats (6) is the last seen duplicate % or out-of-order row index in the column index given by stats (5), or zero % if no such row index exists. stats (7) is the number of duplicate or % out-of-order row indices. % % stats (8:20) is always zero in the current version of SYMAMD (reserved % for future use).