% CXSparse: a Concise Sparse matrix Package. % % Matrices used in CXSparse must in general be either sparse matrices % or dense vectors. Ordering methods can accept any sparse matrix. % CXsparse allows for complex matrices (CSparse does not). % % cs_add - sparse matrix addition. % cs_amd - approximate minimum degree ordering. % cs_chol - sparse Cholesky factorization. % cs_cholsol - solve A*x=b using a sparse Cholesky factorization. % cs_counts - column counts for sparse Cholesky factor L. % cs_dmperm - maximum matching or Dulmage-Mendelsohn permutation. % cs_dmsol - x=A\b using the coarse Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition. % cs_dmspy - plot the Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition of a matrix. % cs_droptol - remove small entries from a sparse matrix. % cs_esep - find an edge separator of a symmetric matrix A % cs_etree - elimination tree of A or A'*A. % cs_gaxpy - sparse matrix times vector. % cs_lsolve - solve a sparse lower triangular system L*x=b. % cs_ltsolve - solve a sparse upper triangular system L'*x=b. % cs_lu - sparse LU factorization, with fill-reducing ordering. % cs_lusol - solve Ax=b using LU factorization. % cs_make - compiles CXSparse for use in MATLAB. % cs_multiply - sparse matrix multiply. % cs_nd - generalized nested dissection ordering. % cs_nsep - find a node separator of a symmetric matrix A. % cs_permute - permute a sparse matrix. % cs_print - print the contents of a sparse matrix. % cs_qr - sparse QR factorization (Householder-based). % cs_qleft - apply Householder vectors on the left. % cs_qright - apply Householder vectors on the right. % cs_qrsol - solve a sparse least-squares problem. % cs_randperm - random permutation. % cs_sep - convert an edge separator into a node separator. % cs_scc - strongly-connected components of a square sparse matrix. % cs_scc2 - cs_scc, or connected components of a bipartite graph. % cs_sparse - convert a triplet form into a sparse matrix. % cs_sqr - symbolic sparse QR factorization. % cs_symperm - symmetric permutation of a symmetric matrix. % cs_transpose - transpose a sparse matrix. % cs_updown - rank-1 update/downdate of a sparse Cholesky factorization. % cs_usolve - solve a sparse upper triangular system U*x=b. % cs_utsolve - solve a sparse lower triangular system U'*x=b. % cspy - plot a matrix in color. % ccspy - plot the connected components of a matrix. % Example: % help cs_add % CXSparse, Copyright (c) 2006-2022, Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ % helper function: % cs_must_compile - return 1 if source code f must be compiled, 0 otherwise