function [L,p] = cs_chol (A,drop) %#ok %CS_CHOL sparse Cholesky factorization. % L = cs_chol(A) is the same as L = chol(A)', using triu(A). % [L,p] = cs_chol(A) first orders A with p=cs_amd(A), so that L*L' = A(p,p). % A second optional input argument controls whether or not numerically zero % entries are removed from L. cs_chol(A) and cs_chol(A,1) drop them; % cs_chol(A,0) keeps them. They must be kept for cs_updown to work properly. % % Example: % Prob = ssget ('HB/bcsstk01') ; A = Prob.A ; [L,p] = cs_chol (A) ; % cspy (A (p,p)) ; % cspy (L) ; % % See also CS_AMD, CS_UPDOWN, CHOL, AMD, SYMAMD. % CXSparse, Copyright (c) 2006-2022, Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ error ('cs_chol mexFunction not found') ;