function [p,q,r,s,cc,rr] = cs_dmspy (A,res,seed) %CS_DMSPY plot the Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition of a matrix. % [p,q,r,s,cc,rr] = cs_dmspy(A) computes [p,q,r,s,cc,rr] = cs_dmperm(A), % does spy(A(p,q)), and then draws boxes around the coarse and fine % decompositions. A 2nd input argument (cs_dmspy(A,res)) changes the % resolution of the image to res-by-res (default resolution is 256). % If res is zero, spy is used instead of cspy. If the resolution is low, the % picture of the blocks in the figure can overlap. They do not actually % overlap in the matrix. With 3 arguments, cs_dmspy(A,res,seed), % cs_dmperm(A,seed) is used, where seed controls the randomized algorithm % used by cs_dmperm. % % Example: % Prob = ssget ('HB/arc130') ; cs_dmspy (Prob.A) ; % % See also CS_DMPERM, CS_DMSOL, DMPERM, SPRANK, SPY. % CXSparse, Copyright (c) 2006-2022, Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ if (~issparse (A)) A = sparse (A) ; end if (nargin < 2) res = 256 ; end if (nargin < 3) seed = 0 ; end % Dulmage-Mendelsohn permutation [p1,q,r,s,cc,rr] = cs_dmperm (A,seed) ; if (nargout > 0) p = p1 ; end nb = length (r)-1 ; % plot the result S = A (p1,q) ; if (res == 0) spy (S) ; e = 1 ; else e = cspy (S,res) ; end hold on title (sprintf ( ... '%d-by-%d, sprank: %d, fine blocks: %d, coarse blocks: %d-by-%d\n', ... size (A), rr(4)-1, nb, length (find (diff (rr))), ... length (find (diff (cc))))) ; drawboxes (nb, e, r, s) ; [m n] = size (A) ; drawbox (1,m+1,1,n+1,'k',1,e) ; drawbox (rr(1), rr(2), cc(1), cc (2), 'r', 2, e) ; drawbox (rr(1), rr(2), cc(2), cc (3), 'r', 2, e) ; drawbox (rr(2), rr(3), cc(3), cc (4), 'k', 2, e) ; drawbox (rr(3), rr(4), cc(4), cc (5), 'r', 2, e) ; drawbox (rr(4), rr(5), cc(4), cc (5), 'r', 2, e) ; hold off