function [V,beta,p,R,q] = cs_qr (A) %#ok %CS_QR sparse QR factorization (Householder-based). % [V,beta,p,R] = cs_qr(A) computes the QR factorization of A(p,:). % [V,beta,p,R,q] = cs_qr(A) computes the QR factorization of A(p,q). % The V, beta, and p terms represent the Householder vectors and coefficients. % The fill-reducing ordering q is found via q = cs_amd(A,3). % The orthogonal factor Q can be obtained via % Q = cs_qright(V,beta,p,speye(size(V,1))), in which case Q*R=A(:,q) is the % resulting factorization (the permutation p is folded into Q). A must be % m-by-n with m >= n. If A is structurally rank deficient, additional empty % rows may have been added to V and R. Note that V is typically much sparser % than Q. % % Example: % % Prob = ssget ('HB/well1033') ; A = Prob.A ; [m n] = size (A) ; % b = rand (m,1) ; % [V,beta,p,R,q] = cs_qr (A) ; % QR factorization of A(p,q) % b1 = cs_qleft (V, beta, p, b) ; % x1 = R (1:n,1:n) \ b1 (1:n) ; % x1 (q) = x1 ; % x2 = A\b ; % norm (x1-x2) % Q = cs_qright(V,beta,p,speye(size(V,1))) ; % Note: p accounted for in Q % norm (Q*R-A(:,q),1) % fprintf ('nnz(R) %d, nnz(V) %d, nnz(Q) %d\n', nnz(R), nnz(V), nnz(Q)) ; % % See also CS_AMD, CS_QRIGHT, CS_QR, CS_DMPERM, QR, COLAMD. % CXSparse, Copyright (c) 2006-2022, Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ error ('cs_qr mexFunction not found') ;