function cs_demo2 (do_pause, matrixpath) %CS_DEMO2 MATLAB version of the CSparse/Demo/cs_demo2.c program. % Solves a linear system using Cholesky, LU, and QR, with various orderings. % % Example: % cs_demo2 % See also: cs_demo % CXSparse, Copyright (c) 2006-2022, Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ if (nargin < 2) matrixpath = [] ; end if (isempty (matrixpath)) try % older versions of MATLAB do not have an input argument to mfilename p = mfilename ('fullpath') ; t = strfind (p, '/') ; matrixpath = [ p(1:t(end)) '../../Matrix' ] ; catch % assume we are in the C*Sparse/MATLAB/CSparse/Demo directory matrixpath = '../../Matrix' ; end end matrices = { 't1', 'HB/fs_183_1', 'HB/west0067', 'LPnetlib/lp_afiro', ... 'HB/ash219', 'HB/mbeacxc', 'HB/bcsstk01', 'HB/bcsstk16' } ; if (nargin < 1) do_pause = 1 ; end for i = 1:length(matrices) name = matrices {i} ; [C sym] = get_problem (matrixpath, name, 1e-14) ; demo2 (C, sym, name) ; if (do_pause) input ('Hit enter to continue: ') ; end end