SuiteSparse/Example: create a package that relies on SuiteSparse Copyright (c) 2022-2024, Timothy A. Davis, All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-clause An example of how to use the SuiteSparse `Find*.cmake` files in cmake to build a library that depends on SuiteSparse libraries. this file License.txt license CMakeLists.txt primary method for building the package Makefile optional; relies on cmake to do the work Include/my.h created by cmake from Config/ Include/my_internal.h internal include file Config/ input file for Include/my.h Demo/my_demo.c C demo program that uses 'my' package Demo/ C++ demo program that uses 'my' package Demo/mydemo.out output of my_demo Source/my.c library source code (C) Source/ library source code (C++) build where the 'my' package is built The 'my' library relies on the following SuiteSparse libraries, each of which has a cmake module to use in `find_package` that is installed alongside the compiled libraries: `AMD`, `BTF`, `CAMD`, `CCOLAMD`, `CHOLMOD`, `COLAMD`, `CXSparse`, `GPUQREngine`, `GraphBLAS`, `KLU`, `KLU_CHOLMOD`, `LAGraph`, `LDL`, `Mongoose`, `RBio`, `SPEX`, `SPQR`, `SPQR_CUDA`, `SuiteSparse_GPURuntime`, `SuiteSparse_config`, and `UMFPACK`. In addition, the 'my' package relies on the following external libraries: `BLAS`, `LAPACK`, `OpenMP`, `GMP`, and `MPFR`. To compile the `my` package and run a demo program: First, compile and install all SuiteSparse packages. Next: On Linux or Mac: make make demos sudo make install On Windows: load Example/CMakeLists.txt into MS Visual Studio To remove all compiled files and folders, delete the contents of Example/build (but keep Example/build/.gitignore): make clean See the instructions in CMakeLists.txt for additional instructions (in particular, if SuiteSparse is not found).