//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GraphBLAS/CUDA/GB_cuda_matrix_prefetch: prefetch a matrix to a GPU or the CPU //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2024, All Rights Reserved. // This file: Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "GB_cuda.hpp" #define GB_FREE_ALL ; GrB_Info GB_cuda_matrix_prefetch ( GrB_Matrix A, int which, // which compents to prefetch (phybix control) int device, // GPU device or cudaCpuDeviceId cudaStream_t stream ) { GrB_Info info ; const int64_t anvec = A->nvec ; const int64_t anz = GB_nnz_held (A) ; if (A->p != NULL && (which & GB_PREFETCH_P)) { CUDA_OK (cudaMemPrefetchAsync (A->p, (anvec+1) * sizeof (int64_t), device, stream)) ; } if (A->h != NULL && (which & GB_PREFETCH_H)) { CUDA_OK (cudaMemPrefetchAsync (A->h, anvec * sizeof (int64_t), device, stream)) ; } if (A->Y != NULL && (which & GB_PREFETCH_Y)) { // prefetch the hyper_hash: A->Y->p, A->Y->i, and A->Y->x GB_OK (GB_cuda_matrix_prefetch (A->Y, GB_PREFETCH_PIX, device, stream)) ; } if (A->b != NULL && (which & GB_PREFETCH_B)) { CUDA_OK (cudaMemPrefetchAsync (A->b, anz * sizeof (int8_t), device, stream)) ; } if (A->i != NULL && (which & GB_PREFETCH_I)) { CUDA_OK (cudaMemPrefetchAsync (A->i, anz * sizeof (int64_t), device, stream)) ; } if (A->x != NULL && (which & GB_PREFETCH_X)) { CUDA_OK (cudaMemPrefetchAsync (A->x, (A->iso ? 1:anz) * A->type->size, device, stream)) ; } return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; }