GraphBLAS/PreJIT: This folder is empty in the GraphBLAS distribution. JIT kernel source files created by GraphBLAS may be placed in this folder by the end user, by copying them from your ~/.SuiteSparse/GrB*.*.* folder. If GraphBLAS is then recompiled via cmake, the build system will compile all of these kernels and make them available as 'pre-compiled JIT kernels'. The kernels are no longer JIT kernels since they are not compiled at run-time, but they are still refered to as "JIT" kernels since they were at one time created at run time by the GraphBLAS JIT. Thus the name of this folder: GraphBLAS/PreJIT. If the GraphBLAS version is changed at all (even in the last digit), all *.c files in this folder must be deleted. If a user-defined type or operator is changed, the relevant kernels must also be deleted. For example, the GraphBLAS/Demo/Program/gauss_demo.c program creates a user-defined gauss type, and two operators, addgauss and multgauss. If the type and/or operators are changed, then the *gauss*.c files in this folder should be deleted, so that the JIT can recompile them with the new definition. Otherwise, GraphBLAS will detect that the definitions do not match, and it will not use the related kernels in this file. Instead, it will compile new ones in your ~/.SuiteSparse/GrB*.*.* folder. GraphBLAS will work with stale functions in this folder. It will compile them and include them in, but not use them at all. So deleting them will reduce the size of the compiled library. These PreJIT kernels are also compiled into for use in MATLAB. Any JIT or PreJIT kernels used or created by or can be used by each other, interchangebly.