//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GB_ew: ewise kernels for each built-in binary operator //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2023, All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "GB.h" #include "GB_control.h" #include "GB_ewise_kernels.h" #include "GB_ew__include.h" // operator: #define GB_BINOP(z,x,y,i,j) z = x #define GB_Z_TYPE uint64_t #define GB_X_TYPE uint64_t #define GB_Y_TYPE uint64_t // A matrix: #define GB_A_TYPE uint64_t #define GB_A2TYPE uint64_t #define GB_DECLAREA(aij) uint64_t aij #define GB_GETA(aij,Ax,pA,A_iso) aij = Ax [(A_iso) ? 0 : (pA)] // B matrix: #define GB_B_TYPE uint64_t #define GB_B2TYPE void #define GB_DECLAREB(bij) uint64_t bij #define GB_GETB(bij,Bx,pB,B_iso) // C matrix: #define GB_C_TYPE uint64_t // disable this operator and use the generic case if these conditions hold #if (defined(GxB_NO_FIRST) || defined(GxB_NO_UINT64) || defined(GxB_NO_FIRST_UINT64)) #define GB_DISABLE 1 #else #define GB_DISABLE 0 #endif #include "GB_ewise_shared_definitions.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // C = A+B, all 3 matrices dense //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_Cewise_fulln__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const GrB_Matrix A, const GrB_Matrix B, const int nthreads ) { #include "GB_ewise_fulln_template.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // C = A*D, column scale with diagonal D matrix //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_AxD__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const GrB_Matrix A, const GrB_Matrix D, const int64_t *A_ek_slicing, const int A_ntasks, const int A_nthreads ) { #if GB_DISABLE return (GrB_NO_VALUE) ; #else #include "GB_colscale_template.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // C = D*B, row scale with diagonal D matrix //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_DxB__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const GrB_Matrix D, const GrB_Matrix B, int nthreads ) { #if GB_DISABLE return (GrB_NO_VALUE) ; #else #include "GB_rowscale_template.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // eWiseAdd: C=A+B, C=A+B, C=A+B //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_AaddB__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const int C_sparsity, const GrB_Matrix M, const bool Mask_struct, const bool Mask_comp, const GrB_Matrix A, const GrB_Matrix B, const bool Ch_is_Mh, const int64_t *restrict C_to_M, const int64_t *restrict C_to_A, const int64_t *restrict C_to_B, const GB_task_struct *restrict TaskList, const int C_ntasks, const int C_nthreads, const int64_t *restrict M_ek_slicing, const int M_nthreads, const int M_ntasks, const int64_t *restrict A_ek_slicing, const int A_nthreads, const int A_ntasks, const int64_t *restrict B_ek_slicing, const int B_nthreads, const int B_ntasks ) { #if GB_DISABLE return (GrB_NO_VALUE) ; #else #define GB_IS_EWISEUNION 0 // for the "easy mask" condition: bool M_is_A = GB_all_aliased (M, A) ; bool M_is_B = GB_all_aliased (M, B) ; #include "GB_add_template.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // eWiseUnion: C=A+B, C=A+B, C=A+B //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_AunionB__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const int C_sparsity, const GrB_Matrix M, const bool Mask_struct, const bool Mask_comp, const GrB_Matrix A, const GrB_Matrix B, const GB_void *alpha_scalar_in, const GB_void *beta_scalar_in, const bool Ch_is_Mh, const int64_t *restrict C_to_M, const int64_t *restrict C_to_A, const int64_t *restrict C_to_B, const GB_task_struct *restrict TaskList, const int C_ntasks, const int C_nthreads, const int64_t *restrict M_ek_slicing, const int M_nthreads, const int M_ntasks, const int64_t *restrict A_ek_slicing, const int A_nthreads, const int A_ntasks, const int64_t *restrict B_ek_slicing, const int B_nthreads, const int B_ntasks ) { #if GB_DISABLE return (GrB_NO_VALUE) ; #else GB_X_TYPE alpha_scalar = (*((GB_X_TYPE *) alpha_scalar_in)) ; GB_Y_TYPE beta_scalar = (*((GB_Y_TYPE *) beta_scalar_in )) ; #define GB_IS_EWISEUNION 1 // for the "easy mask" condition: bool M_is_A = GB_all_aliased (M, A) ; bool M_is_B = GB_all_aliased (M, B) ; #include "GB_add_template.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // eWiseMult: C=A.*B, C=A.*B, or C=A.*B where C is sparse/hyper //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_AemultB_08__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const GrB_Matrix M, const bool Mask_struct, const bool Mask_comp, const GrB_Matrix A, const GrB_Matrix B, const int64_t *restrict C_to_M, const int64_t *restrict C_to_A, const int64_t *restrict C_to_B, const GB_task_struct *restrict TaskList, const int C_ntasks, const int C_nthreads ) { #if GB_DISABLE return (GrB_NO_VALUE) ; #else #include "GB_emult_08_meta.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // eWiseMult: C<#> = A.*B when A is sparse/hyper and B is bitmap/full //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_AemultB_02__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const GrB_Matrix M, const bool Mask_struct, const bool Mask_comp, const GrB_Matrix A, const GrB_Matrix B, const int64_t *restrict Cp_kfirst, const int64_t *A_ek_slicing, const int A_ntasks, const int A_nthreads ) { #if GB_DISABLE return (GrB_NO_VALUE) ; #else #include "GB_emult_02_template.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // eWiseMult: C<#> = A.*B when A is bitmap/full and B is sparse/hyper //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_AemultB_03__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const GrB_Matrix M, const bool Mask_struct, const bool Mask_comp, const GrB_Matrix A, const GrB_Matrix B, const int64_t *restrict Cp_kfirst, const int64_t *B_ek_slicing, const int B_ntasks, const int B_nthreads ) { #if GB_DISABLE return (GrB_NO_VALUE) ; #else #include "GB_emult_03_template.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // eWiseMult: C = A.*B, M sparse/hyper, A and B bitmap/full //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_AemultB_04__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const GrB_Matrix M, const bool Mask_struct, const GrB_Matrix A, const GrB_Matrix B, const int64_t *restrict Cp_kfirst, const int64_t *M_ek_slicing, const int M_ntasks, const int M_nthreads ) { #if GB_DISABLE return (GrB_NO_VALUE) ; #else #include "GB_emult_04_template.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // eWiseMult: C=A.*B, C=A.*B, C=A.*B where C is bitmap //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GrB_Info GB (_AemultB_bitmap__first_uint64) ( GrB_Matrix C, const GrB_Matrix M, const bool Mask_struct, const bool Mask_comp, const GrB_Matrix A, const GrB_Matrix B, const int64_t *M_ek_slicing, const int M_ntasks, const int M_nthreads, const int C_nthreads ) { #if GB_DISABLE return (GrB_NO_VALUE) ; #else #include "GB_emult_bitmap_template.c" return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; #endif }