//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GB_assign_zombie1: delete all entries in C(:,j) for GB_assign //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2023, All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // JIT: not needed. Only one variant possible. // C(:,j) = anything: GrB_Row_assign or GrB_Col_assign with an empty // complemented mask requires all entries in the C(:,j) vector to be deleted. // C must be sparse or hypersparse. // C->iso is not affected. #include "GB_assign.h" #include "GB_assign_zombie.h" GrB_Info GB_assign_zombie1 ( GrB_Matrix C, const int64_t j ) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // check inputs //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSERT (!GB_IS_FULL (C)) ; ASSERT (!GB_IS_BITMAP (C)) ; ASSERT (GB_ZOMBIES_OK (C)) ; ASSERT (GB_JUMBLED_OK (C)) ; ASSERT (!GB_PENDING (C)) ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get C(:,j) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int64_t *restrict Ci = C->i ; const int64_t *restrict Ch = C->h ; const int64_t *restrict Cp = C->p ; int64_t pC_start, pC_end ; const int64_t cnvec = C->nvec ; if (Ch != NULL) { // C is hypersparse const int64_t *restrict C_Yp = (C->Y == NULL) ? NULL : C->Y->p ; const int64_t *restrict C_Yi = (C->Y == NULL) ? NULL : C->Y->i ; const int64_t *restrict C_Yx = (C->Y == NULL) ? NULL : C->Y->x ; const int64_t C_hash_bits = (C->Y == NULL) ? 0 : (C->Y->vdim - 1) ; GB_hyper_hash_lookup (Ch, cnvec, Cp, C_Yp, C_Yi, C_Yx, C_hash_bits, j, &pC_start, &pC_end) ; } else { // C is sparse pC_start = Cp [j] ; pC_end = Cp [j+1] ; } int64_t cjnz = pC_end - pC_start ; int64_t nzombies = C->nzombies ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // determine the number of threads to use //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int nthreads_max = GB_Context_nthreads_max ( ) ; double chunk = GB_Context_chunk ( ) ; int nthreads = GB_nthreads (cjnz, chunk, nthreads_max) ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C(:,j) = empty //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int64_t pC ; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) schedule(static) \ reduction(+:nzombies) for (pC = pC_start ; pC < pC_end ; pC++) { int64_t i = Ci [pC] ; if (!GB_IS_ZOMBIE (i)) { // delete C(i,j) by marking it as a zombie nzombies++ ; Ci [pC] = GB_FLIP (i) ; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return result //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- C->nzombies = nzombies ; return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; }