//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GxB_pack_HyperHash: set the A->Y hyper_hash of a matrix //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2023, All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GxB_pack_HyperHash assigns the input Y matrix as the A->Y hyper_hash of the // hypersparse matrix A. Normally, this method is called immediately after // calling one of the four methods GxB_Matrix_(import/pack)_Hyper(CSR/CSC). // For example, to unpack then pack a hypersparse CSC matrix: // GrB_Matrix Y = NULL ; // // // to unpack all of A: // GxB_unpack_HyperHash (A, &Y, desc) ; // first unpack A->Y into Y // GxB_Matrix_unpack_HyperCSC (A, // then unpack the rest of A // &Ap, &Ah, &Ai, &Ax, &Ap_size, &Ah_size, &Ai_size, &Ax_size, // &iso, &nvec, &jumbled, descriptor) ; // // // use the unpacked contents of A here, but do not change Ah or nvec. // ... // // // to pack the data back into A: // GxB_Matrix_pack_HyperCSC (A, ...) ; // pack most of A, except A->Y // GxB_pack_HyperHash (A, &Y, desc) ; // then pack A->Y // The same process is used with GxB_Matrix_unpack_HyperCSR, // and the GxB_Matrix_export_Hyper* and GxB_Matrix_import_Hyper* methods. // If A is not hypersparse on input to GxB_pack_HyperHash, or if A already has // a hyper_hash matrix, or if Y is NULL on input, then nothing happens and Y is // unchanged. This is not an error condition and this method returns // GrB_SUCCESS. In this case, if Y is non-NULL after calling this method, it // owned by the user application and freeing it is the responsibility of the // user application. // Basic checks are perfomed on Y: Y must have the right dimensions: if A is // HyperCSR and m-by-n with nvec vectors present in Ah, then Y must be n-by-v // where v is a power of 2; if A is HyperCSR and m-by-n, then Y must be m-by-v. // nvals(Y) must equal nvec. Y must be sparse, held by column, and have type // int64. It cannot have any pending work. It cannot have a hyper_hash // of its own. If any of these conditions hold, GrB_INVALID is returned and // A and Y are unchanged. // If Y is moved into A as its hyper_hash, then the caller's Y is set to NULL // to indicate that it has been moved into A. It is no longer owned by the // caller, but is instead an opaque component of the A matrix. It will be // freed by SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS if A is modified or freed. // Results are undefined if the input Y was not created by GxB_unpack_HyperHash // (see the example above) or if the Ah contents or nvec of the matrix A are // modified after they were exported/unpacked by // GxB_Matrix_(export/unpack)_Hyper(CSR/CSC). #include "GB_export.h" #define GB_FREE_ALL ; GrB_Info GxB_pack_HyperHash // move Y into A->Y ( GrB_Matrix A, // matrix to modify GrB_Matrix *Y, // hyper_hash matrix to pack into A const GrB_Descriptor desc // unused ) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // check inputs and get the descriptor //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GB_WHERE1 ("GxB_pack_HyperHash (A, &Y, desc)") ; GB_BURBLE_START ("GxB_pack_HyperHash") ; GB_RETURN_IF_NULL_OR_FAULTY (A) ; GB_RETURN_IF_NULL (Y) ; GB_RETURN_IF_FAULTY (*Y) ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // check for quick return //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((*Y) == NULL || !GB_IS_HYPERSPARSE (A) || A->Y != NULL) { // nothing to do. A and Y are unchanged return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // basic error checks //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((*Y)->vlen != A->vdim || !GB_IS_POWER_OF_TWO ((*Y)->vdim) || (*Y)->nvals != A->nvec || !GB_IS_SPARSE (*Y) || (*Y)->Y != NULL || (*Y)->type != GrB_UINT64 || !(*Y)->is_csc || GB_ANY_PENDING_WORK (*Y)) { // Y is invalid return (GrB_INVALID_OBJECT) ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // pack the hyper_hash matrix Y into A //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A->Y = (*Y) ; (*Y) = NULL ; A->Y_shallow = false ; GB_BURBLE_END ; return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; }