// GB_subassign_06d_template: C = A
// SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2023, All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#undef GB_FREE_ALL
#define GB_FREE_ALL \
{ \
GB_WERK_POP (A_ek_slicing, int64_t) ; \
// get the inputs
#define Mask_struct GB_MASK_STRUCT
#define C_is_bitmap GB_C_IS_BITMAP
#define A_is_bitmap GB_A_IS_BITMAP
#define A_is_full GB_A_IS_FULL
#define A_iso GB_A_ISO
#define GB_AX_MASK(Ax,pA,asize) GB_MCAST (((GB_M_TYPE *) Ax), pA, asize)
const bool C_is_bitmap = GB_IS_BITMAP (C) ;
const bool A_is_bitmap = GB_IS_BITMAP (A) ;
const bool A_is_full = GB_IS_FULL (A) ;
const bool A_iso = A->iso ;
const size_t asize = A->type->size ;
ASSERT (C_is_bitmap || GB_IS_FULL (C)) ;
// Parallel: slice A into equal-sized chunks
GB_WERK_DECLARE (A_ek_slicing, int64_t) ;
GB_A_NHELD (anz) ;
int A_ntasks, A_nthreads ;
double work = anz + A->nvec ;
chunk = 32 * chunk ; // method 06d needs a larger chunk
if (A_is_bitmap || A_is_full)
// no need to construct tasks
A_nthreads = GB_nthreads (work, chunk, nthreads_max) ;
A_ntasks = (A_nthreads == 1) ? 1 : (8 * A_nthreads) ;
GB_SLICE_MATRIX_WORK (A, 8, work, anz) ;
// get C and A
const int64_t *restrict Ap = A->p ;
const int64_t *restrict Ah = A->h ;
const int64_t *restrict Ai = A->i ;
const int8_t *restrict Ab = A->b ;
const int64_t avlen = A->vlen ;
// since A is the mask, if A->iso is true, Mask_struct has been set true
ASSERT (GB_IMPLIES (A_iso, Mask_struct)) ;
int8_t *restrict Cb = C->b ;
const int64_t cvlen = C->vlen ;
// C is iso, and A is either iso or effectively iso (with a single entry
// and not in bitmap form). This case is only used by GB_subassign_06d
// directly, and it is not needed for any kernel (generic, factor, or JIT).
ASSERT (C->iso) ;
GB_A_NVALS (e) ;
ASSERT (A_iso || (e == 1 && !A_is_bitmap)) ;
ASSERT (Mask_struct) ;
const GB_A_TYPE *restrict Ax = (GB_A_TYPE *) A->x ;
GB_C_TYPE *restrict Cx = (GB_C_TYPE *) C->x ;
GB_DECLAREC (cwork) ;
if (A_iso)
// get the iso value of A and typecast to C->type
// cwork = (ctype) Ax [0]
GB_COPY_aij_to_cwork (cwork, Ax, 0, true) ;
// C = A
int64_t cnvals = C->nvals ; // for C bitmap
// future:: divide this Templates into sub-Templates (Mask_struct, etc)
if (Mask_struct)
// C = A where A can be iso or non-iso; mask is structural
if (A_is_full)
// A is full: all entries present
int64_t p ;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
for (p = 0 ; p < anz ; p++)
// Cx [p] = Ax [p]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, p, A_iso, cwork) ;
if (C_is_bitmap)
GB_memset (Cb, 1, anz, A_nthreads) ;
cnvals = anz ;
else if (A_is_bitmap)
// A is bitmap
if (C_is_bitmap)
// C is bitmap, A is bitmap
int tid ;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
schedule(static) reduction(+:cnvals)
for (tid = 0 ; tid < A_nthreads ; tid++)
int64_t pA_start, pA_end, task_cnvals = 0 ;
GB_PARTITION (pA_start, pA_end, anz, tid, A_nthreads) ;
for (int64_t p = pA_start ; p < pA_end ; p++)
if (Ab [p])
// Cx [p] = Ax [p]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, p, A_iso, cwork) ;
task_cnvals += (Cb [p] == 0) ;
Cb [p] = 1 ;
cnvals += task_cnvals ;
// C is hypersparse, sparse, or full, with all entries present
// this method is used by LAGraph_bfs_parent when q is
// a bitmap and pi is full.
int64_t p ;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
for (p = 0 ; p < anz ; p++)
// Cx [p] = Ax [p]
if (Ab [p])
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, p, A_iso, cwork) ;
// A is hypersparse or sparse; C is full or a bitmap
const int64_t *restrict kfirst_Aslice = A_ek_slicing ;
const int64_t *restrict klast_Aslice = A_ek_slicing + A_ntasks ;
const int64_t *restrict pstart_Aslice = A_ek_slicing + A_ntasks * 2;
int taskid ;
if (C_is_bitmap)
// C is bitmap, mask is structural
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
schedule(dynamic,1) reduction(+:cnvals)
for (taskid = 0 ; taskid < A_ntasks ; taskid++)
// if kfirst > klast then taskid does no work at all
int64_t kfirst = kfirst_Aslice [taskid] ;
int64_t klast = klast_Aslice [taskid] ;
int64_t task_cnvals = 0 ;
// C = A(:,kfirst:klast)
for (int64_t k = kfirst ; k <= klast ; k++)
// get A(:,j), the kth vector of A
int64_t j = GBH_A (Ah, k) ;
GB_GET_PA (pA_start, pA_end, taskid, k,
kfirst, klast, pstart_Aslice,
GBP_A (Ap, k, avlen), GBP_A (Ap, k+1, avlen)) ;
// pC is the start of C(:,j)
int64_t pC = j * cvlen ;
// C=A(:,j) with C bitmap, A sparse
for (int64_t pA = pA_start ; pA < pA_end ; pA++)
int64_t p = pC + Ai [pA] ;
// Cx [p] = Ax [pA]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, pA, A_iso, cwork) ;
task_cnvals += (Cb [p] == 0) ;
Cb [p] = 1 ;
cnvals += task_cnvals ;
// C is full, mask is structural
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
for (taskid = 0 ; taskid < A_ntasks ; taskid++)
// if kfirst > klast then taskid does no work at all
int64_t kfirst = kfirst_Aslice [taskid] ;
int64_t klast = klast_Aslice [taskid] ;
// C = A(:,kfirst:klast)
for (int64_t k = kfirst ; k <= klast ; k++)
// get A(:,j), the kth vector of A
int64_t j = GBH_A (Ah, k) ;
GB_GET_PA (pA_start, pA_end, taskid, k,
kfirst, klast, pstart_Aslice,
GBP_A (Ap, k, avlen), GBP_A (Ap, k+1, avlen)) ;
// pC is the start of C(:,j)
int64_t pC = j * cvlen ;
// C=A(:,j) with C full, A sparse
for (int64_t pA = pA_start ; pA < pA_end ; pA++)
int64_t p = pC + Ai [pA] ;
// Cx [p] = Ax [pA]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, pA, A_iso, cwork) ;
// C = A where A must be non-iso, and the mask is valued
if (A_is_full)
// A is full: all entries present
if (C_is_bitmap)
// C is bitmap, A is full
int tid ;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
schedule(static) reduction(+:cnvals)
for (tid = 0 ; tid < A_nthreads ; tid++)
int64_t pA_start, pA_end, task_cnvals = 0 ;
GB_PARTITION (pA_start, pA_end, anz, tid, A_nthreads) ;
for (int64_t p = pA_start ; p < pA_end ; p++)
if (GB_AX_MASK (Ax, p, asize))
// Cx [p] = Ax [p]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, p, false, cwork) ;
task_cnvals += (Cb [p] == 0) ;
Cb [p] = 1 ;
cnvals += task_cnvals ;
// C is hypersparse, sparse, or full, with all entries present
int64_t p ;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
for (p = 0 ; p < anz ; p++)
if (GB_AX_MASK (Ax, p, asize))
// Cx [p] = Ax [p]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, p, false, cwork) ;
else if (A_is_bitmap)
// A is bitmap
if (C_is_bitmap)
// C is bitmap, A is bitmap
int tid ;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
schedule(static) reduction(+:cnvals)
for (tid = 0 ; tid < A_nthreads ; tid++)
int64_t pA_start, pA_end, task_cnvals = 0 ;
GB_PARTITION (pA_start, pA_end, anz, tid, A_nthreads) ;
for (int64_t p = pA_start ; p < pA_end ; p++)
if (Ab [p] && GB_AX_MASK (Ax, p, asize))
// Cx [p] = Ax [p]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, p, false, cwork) ;
task_cnvals += (Cb [p] == 0) ;
Cb [p] = 1 ;
cnvals += task_cnvals ;
// C is hypersparse, sparse, or full, with all entries present
int64_t p ;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
for (p = 0 ; p < anz ; p++)
if (Ab [p] && GB_AX_MASK (Ax, p, asize))
// Cx [p] = Ax [p]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, p, false, cwork) ;
// A is hypersparse or sparse; C is full or bitmap
const int64_t *restrict kfirst_Aslice = A_ek_slicing ;
const int64_t *restrict klast_Aslice = A_ek_slicing + A_ntasks ;
const int64_t *restrict pstart_Aslice = A_ek_slicing + A_ntasks * 2;
int taskid ;
if (C_is_bitmap)
// C is bitmap
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
schedule(dynamic,1) reduction(+:cnvals)
for (taskid = 0 ; taskid < A_ntasks ; taskid++)
// if kfirst > klast then taskid does no work at all
int64_t kfirst = kfirst_Aslice [taskid] ;
int64_t klast = klast_Aslice [taskid] ;
int64_t task_cnvals = 0 ;
// C = A(:,kfirst:klast)
for (int64_t k = kfirst ; k <= klast ; k++)
// get A(:,j), the kth vector of A
int64_t j = GBH_A (Ah, k) ;
GB_GET_PA (pA_start, pA_end, taskid, k,
kfirst, klast, pstart_Aslice,
GBP_A (Ap, k, avlen), GBP_A (Ap, k+1, avlen)) ;
// pC is the start of C(:,j)
int64_t pC = j * cvlen ;
// C=A(:,j) with C bitmap, A sparse
for (int64_t pA = pA_start ; pA < pA_end ; pA++)
if (GB_AX_MASK (Ax, pA, asize))
int64_t p = pC + Ai [pA] ;
// Cx [p] = Ax [pA]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, pA, A_iso, cwork) ;
task_cnvals += (Cb [p] == 0) ;
Cb [p] = 1 ;
cnvals += task_cnvals ;
// C is full
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(A_nthreads) \
schedule(dynamic,1) reduction(+:cnvals)
for (taskid = 0 ; taskid < A_ntasks ; taskid++)
// if kfirst > klast then taskid does no work at all
int64_t kfirst = kfirst_Aslice [taskid] ;
int64_t klast = klast_Aslice [taskid] ;
// C = A(:,kfirst:klast)
for (int64_t k = kfirst ; k <= klast ; k++)
// get A(:,j), the kth vector of A
int64_t j = GBH_A (Ah, k) ;
GB_GET_PA (pA_start, pA_end, taskid, k,
kfirst, klast, pstart_Aslice,
GBP_A (Ap, k, avlen), GBP_A (Ap, k+1, avlen)) ;
// pC is the start of C(:,j)
int64_t pC = j * cvlen ;
// C=A(:,j) with C full, A sparse
for (int64_t pA = pA_start ; pA < pA_end ; pA++)
if (GB_AX_MASK (Ax, pA, asize))
int64_t p = pC + Ai [pA] ;
// Cx [p] = Ax [pA]
GB_COPY_aij_to_C (Cx, p, Ax, pA, A_iso, cwork) ;
// log the number of entries in the C bitmap
if (C_is_bitmap)
C->nvals = cnvals ;
#undef GB_FREE_ALL
#define GB_FREE_ALL ;