function grbshow %GBSHOW create a test coverage report in tmp_cover/ % SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2023, All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 if (ispc) error ('The tests in Tcov are not ported to Windows') ; end GB_mex_finalize ; infiles = [ dir('tmp_source/*.*') ; dir('tmp_include/*.*') ] ; nfiles = length (infiles) ; load grbstat.mat for k = 1:nfiles if (infiles (k).bytes == 0) continue ; end infile = [ infiles(k).folder filesep infiles(k).name ] ; outfile = [ 'tmp_cover/' infiles(k).name ] ; f_input = fopen (infile, 'r') ; f_output = fopen (outfile, 'w') ; % get the first line cline = fgetl (f_input) ; while (ischar (cline)) fprintf (f_output, '%s\n', cline) ; if (~isempty (strfind (cline, 'GB_cov[')) && ... ~isempty (strfind (cline, '++'))) % got one; get the count k1 = strfind (cline, '[') ; k2 = strfind (cline, ']') ; s = cline (k1+1:k2-1) ; i = str2num (s) + 1 ; c = GraphBLAS_grbcov (i) ; if (c == 0) fprintf (f_output, '// NOT COVERED (%d):\n', i-1) ; else fprintf (f_output, '// covered (%d): %d\n', i-1, c) ; end end cline = fgetl (f_input) ; end fclose (f_output) ; fclose (f_input) ; end