function test5 %test5: KLU test % Example: % test5 % % test circuit matrices in the UF sparse matrix collection. % % See also klu % KLU, Copyright (c) 2004-2022, University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. % Authors: Timothy A. Davis and Ekanathan Palamadai. % SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ do_diary = 0 ; if (do_diary) diary off s = date ; t = clock ; s = sprintf ('diary test5_%s_%d-%d-%d.txt\n', s, t (4), t(5), fix(t(6))); eval (s) ; end % ATandT frequency-domain circuits, exclude these: % freq = [ 283 284 285 286 ] ; % sorted in order of MATLAB 7.3 x=A\b time on storm % (AMD Opteron, 64-bit, 8GB mem, 2 cores) circ = [ 1195 % Rajat/rajat11 n: 135 nz 665 1198 % Rajat/rajat14 n: 180 nz 1475 1189 % Rajat/rajat05 n: 301 nz 1250 1169 % Sandia/oscil_trans_01 n: 430 nz 1614 1112 % Sandia/oscil_dcop_01 n: 430 nz 1544 1346 % Rajat/rajat19 n: 1157 nz 3699 1199 % Hamrle/Hamrle1 n: 32 nz 98 1106 % Sandia/fpga_trans_01 n: 1220 nz 7382 1188 % Rajat/rajat04 n: 1041 nz 8725 1055 % Sandia/fpga_dcop_01 n: 1220 nz 5892 1108 % Sandia/init_adder1 n: 1813 nz 11156 1196 % Rajat/rajat12 n: 1879 nz 12818 1053 % Sandia/adder_trans_01 n: 1814 nz 14579 539 % Hamm/add20 n: 2395 nz 13151 371 % Bomhof/circuit_2 n: 4510 nz 21199 540 % Hamm/add32 n: 4960 nz 19848 1186 % Rajat/rajat02 n: 1960 nz 11187 466 % Grund/meg4 n: 5860 nz 25258 465 % Grund/meg1 n: 2904 nz 58142 370 % Bomhof/circuit_1 n: 2624 nz 35823 1200 % Hamrle/Hamrle2 n: 5952 nz 22162 1197 % Rajat/rajat13 n: 7598 nz 48762 1187 % Rajat/rajat03 n: 7602 nz 32653 372 % Bomhof/circuit_3 n: 12127 nz 48137 1185 % Rajat/rajat01 n: 6833 nz 43250 1183 % IBM_Austin/coupled n: 11341 nz 97193 1376 % Rajat/rajat27 n: 20640 nz 97353 543 % Hamm/memplus n: 17758 nz 99147 1109 % Sandia/mult_dcop_01 n: 25187 nz 193276 1371 % Rajat/rajat22 n: 39899 nz 195429 1375 % Rajat/rajat26 n: 51032 nz 247528 1414 % IBM_EDA/ckt11752_tr_0 n: 49702 nz 332807 541 % Hamm/bcircuit n: 68902 nz 375558 1413 % IBM_EDA/ckt11752_dc_1 n: 49702 nz 333029 542 % Hamm/hcircuit n: 105676 nz 513072 1316 % Rajat/rajat15 n: 37261 nz 443573 1190 % Rajat/rajat06 n: 10922 nz 46983 1191 % Rajat/rajat07 n: 14842 nz 63913 1372 % Rajat/rajat23 n: 110355 nz 555441 373 % Bomhof/circuit_4 n: 80209 nz 307604 544 % Hamm/scircuit n: 170998 nz 958936 1412 % AMD/G2_circuit n: 150102 nz 726674 is this solid state device? 1415 % Sandia/ASIC_100k n: 99340 nz 940621 1416 % Sandia/ASIC_100ks n: 99190 nz 578890 1420 % Sandia/ASIC_680ks n: 682712 nz 1693767 1192 % Rajat/rajat08 n: 19362 nz 83443 1193 % Rajat/rajat09 n: 24482 nz 105573 1323 % IBM_EDA/trans4 n: 116835 nz 749800 1320 % IBM_EDA/dc1 n: 116835 nz 766396 1194 % Rajat/rajat10 n: 30202 nz 130303 1418 % Sandia/ASIC_320ks n: 321671 nz 1316085 1417 % Sandia/ASIC_320k n: 321821 nz 1931828 1343 % Rajat/rajat16 n: 94294 nz 476766 1345 % Rajat/rajat18 n: 94294 nz 479151 1344 % Rajat/rajat17 n: 94294 nz 479246 1377 % Rajat/rajat28 n: 87190 nz 606489 1369 % Rajat/rajat20 n: 86916 nz 604299 1374 % Rajat/rajat25 n: 87190 nz 606489 1370 % Rajat/rajat21 n: 411676 nz 1876011 1419 % Sandia/ASIC_680k n: 682862 nz 2638997 % these are large, so are skipped for this test: % 1396 % Rajat/rajat29 n: 643994 nz 3760246 % 1201 % Hamrle/Hamrle3 n: 1447360 nz 5514242 % 1397 % Rajat/rajat30 n: 643994 nz 6175244 % 1421 % AMD/G3_circuit n: 1585478 nz 7660826 % 1398 % Rajat/rajat31 n: 4690002 nz 20316253 % 1373 % Rajat/rajat24 n: 358172 nz 1946979 ]' ; fprintf ('Running KLU on %d circuits.\n', length (circ)) ; index = ssget ; opts_noscale.scale = -1 ; opts_sum.scale = 1 ; opts_max.scale = 2 ; % default scaling h = waitbar (0, 'KLU test 5 of 5') ; nmat = length (circ) ; try for kk = 1:nmat k = circ (kk) ; Prob = ssget (k, index) ; waitbar (kk/nmat, h) ; A = Prob.A ; n = size (A,1) ; b = rand (n,1) ; fprintf ('\n%d : %s n: %d nz %d\n', k,, n, nnz (A)) ; try tic ; x2 = klu (A, '\', b, opts_noscale) ; t2 = toc ; e2 = norm (A*x2-b) ; catch %#ok t2 = inf ; e2 = inf ; end fprintf ('KLU no scale: err %8.2e t: %8.4f\n', e2, t2) ; try tic ; x4 = klu (A, '\', b, opts_max) ; t4 = toc ; e4 = norm (A*x4-b) ; catch %#ok t4 = inf ; e4 = inf ; end fprintf ('KLU max scale: err %8.2e t: %8.4f\n', e4, t4) ; try tic ; x3 = klu (A, '\', b, opts_sum) ; t3 = toc ; e3 = norm (A*x3-b) ; catch %#ok t3 = inf ; e3 = inf ; end fprintf ('KLU sum scale: err %8.2e t: %8.4f\n', e3, t3) ; tic x1 = A\b ; t1 = toc ; e1 = norm (A*x1-b) ; fprintf ('matlab: err %8.2e t: %8.4f\n', e1, t1) ; fprintf (' speedup %8.2f\n', t1 / t4) ; clear Prob if (do_diary) diary off diary on end end catch me disp (me.message) ; end close (h) ;