# Algorithms: * LAGraph_AllKTruss: all k-trusses of a graph * LAGraph_BF_basic: conventional Bellman-Ford single source shortest paths * LAGraph_BF_basic_pushpull: direction optimizing Bellman-Ford single source shortest paths * LAGraph_BF_full: Bellman-Ford single source shortest paths, with tree * LAGraph_BF_full1a * LAGraph_BF_full1 * LAGraph_BF_full2 * LAGraph_BF_basic_mxv * LAGraph_BF_full_mxv * LAGraph_BF_pure_c: An implementation in C not using GraphBLAS * LAGraph_BF_pure_c_double: An implementation in C not using GraphBLAS (uses double type) * LAGraph_cc_lacc: connected components using the [LACC algorithm](https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~aydin/LACC.pdf) * LAGraph_cdlp: community detection using label propagation * LAGraph_dnn: sparse deep neural network * LAGraph_KTruss: k-truss of a graph * LAGraph_lcc: Local clustering coefficient * LAGraph_msf: Minimum spanning forest * LAGraph_scc: Strongly connected components * more to appear here...