//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LAGraph/experimental/benchmark/AllKCore_demo.c: benchmark for kcore (single k-core) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LAGraph, (c) 2019-2022 by The LAGraph Contributors, All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause // // For additional details (including references to third party source code and // other files) see the LICENSE file or contact permission@sei.cmu.edu. See // Contributors.txt for a full list of contributors. Created, in part, with // funding and support from the U.S. Government (see Acknowledgments.txt file). // DM22-0790 // Contributed by Pranav Konduri, Texas A&M University //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "../../src/benchmark/LAGraph_demo.h" #include "LAGraphX.h" // #define NTHREAD_LIST 2 #define NTHREAD_LIST 1 #define THREAD_LIST 0 // #define NTHREAD_LIST 6 // #define THREAD_LIST 64, 32, 24, 12, 8, 4 // #define NTHREAD_LIST 7 // #define THREAD_LIST 40, 20, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 #define LG_FREE_ALL \ { \ LAGraph_Delete (&G, NULL) ; \ GrB_free (&A) ; \ GrB_free (&D) ; \ GrB_free (&c) ; \ } int main (int argc, char **argv) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize LAGraph and GraphBLAS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- char msg [LAGRAPH_MSG_LEN] ; GrB_Vector c = NULL ; GrB_Matrix A = NULL ; GrB_Matrix D = NULL ; LAGraph_Graph G = NULL ; uint64_t kmax; // start GraphBLAS and LAGraph bool burble = false ; demo_init (burble) ; int ntrials = 1 ; //todo: change to higher # later printf ("# of trials: %d\n", ntrials) ; int nt = NTHREAD_LIST ; int Nthreads [20] = { 0, THREAD_LIST } ; int nthreads_min ; int nthreads_max ; LAGRAPH_TRY (LAGraph_GetNumThreads (&nthreads_max, &nthreads_min, NULL)) ; if (Nthreads [1] == 0) { // create thread list automatically Nthreads [1] = nthreads_max ; for (int t = 2 ; t <= nt ; t++) { Nthreads [t] = Nthreads [t-1] / 2 ; if (Nthreads [t] == 0) nt = t-1 ; } } printf ("threads to test: ") ; for (int t = 1 ; t <= nt ; t++) { int nthreads = Nthreads [t] ; if (nthreads > nthreads_max) continue ; printf (" %d", nthreads) ; } printf ("\n") ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // read in the graph //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- char *matrix_name = (argc > 1) ? argv [1] : "stdin" ; LAGRAPH_TRY (readproblem (&G, NULL, true, true, true, NULL, false, argc, argv)) ; GrB_Index n, nvals ; GRB_TRY (GrB_Matrix_nrows (&n, G->A)) ; GRB_TRY (GrB_Matrix_nvals (&nvals, G->A)) ; // LAGRAPH_TRY (LAGraph_Graph_Print (G, LAGraph_SHORT, stdout, msg)) ; GRB_TRY (GrB_Matrix_new (&A, GrB_INT64, n, n)) ; GRB_TRY (GrB_assign (A, G->A, NULL, (double) 1, GrB_ALL, n, GrB_ALL, n, GrB_DESC_S)) ; GrB_free (&(G->A)) ; G->A = A ; GRB_TRY (GrB_Matrix_new (&D, GrB_INT64, n, n)) ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // kcore testing //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // warmup for more accurate timing LAGRAPH_TRY (LAGraph_SetNumThreads (24, 24, msg)) ; double tt = LAGraph_WallClockTime ( ) ; LAGRAPH_TRY (LAGraph_KCore_All (&c, &kmax, G, msg)) ; tt = LAGraph_WallClockTime ( ) - tt ; printf("warmup time: %g sec\n\n", tt) ; //LAGRAPH_TRY (LAGraph_KCore_Decompose (&D, G, &c, kmax, msg)) ; GRB_TRY (GrB_free (&c)) ; //GRB_TRY (GrB_free (&D)) ; for (int t = 1 ; t <= nt ; t++) { int nthreads = Nthreads [t] ; if (nthreads > nthreads_max) continue ; LAGRAPH_TRY (LAGraph_SetNumThreads (nthreads, nthreads, msg)) ; double ttot = 0, ttrial [100] ; for (int trial = 0 ; trial < ntrials ; trial++) { double tt = LAGraph_WallClockTime ( ) ; LAGRAPH_TRY (LAGraph_KCore_All (&c, &kmax, G, msg)) ; GRB_TRY (GrB_free (&c)) ; ttrial [trial] = LAGraph_WallClockTime ( ) - tt ; ttot += ttrial [trial] ; printf ("threads %2d trial %2d: %12.6f sec\n", nthreads, trial, ttrial [trial]) ; } ttot = ttot / ntrials ; printf ("Avg: " "nthreads: %3d time: %12.6f matrix: %s\n", nthreads, ttot, matrix_name) ; } LG_FREE_ALL ; LAGRAPH_TRY (LAGraph_Finalize (msg)) ; return (GrB_SUCCESS) ; }