====================================================================== Benchmarks using LAGraph+GraphBLAS: MIS ====================================================================== GAP matrices located in: ../../../GAP SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: /raid/matrices/com-Youtube/com-Youtube.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: /raid/matrices/com-Youtube/com-Youtube.grb read time: 0.110823 maximal independent set OK 840454 of 1134890 nodes warmup time 0.0453154 sec maximal independent set OK 840454 of 1134890 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 0.054302 sec maximal independent set OK 840586 of 1134890 nodes seed 1134891 threads 40 trial 1: 0.061032 sec maximal independent set OK 840555 of 1134890 nodes seed 2269781 threads 40 trial 2: 0.063014 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 0.059450 matrix: /raid/matrices/com-Youtube/com-Youtube.grb SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: /raid/matrices/as-Skitter/as-Skitter.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: /raid/matrices/as-Skitter/as-Skitter.grb read time: 0.246818 maximal independent set OK 1125783 of 1696415 nodes warmup time 0.0534657 sec maximal independent set OK 1125783 of 1696415 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 0.082344 sec maximal independent set OK 1126025 of 1696415 nodes seed 1696416 threads 40 trial 1: 0.084119 sec maximal independent set OK 1125754 of 1696415 nodes seed 3392831 threads 40 trial 2: 0.082616 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 0.083026 matrix: /raid/matrices/as-Skitter/as-Skitter.grb SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: /raid/matrices/com-LiveJournal/com-LiveJournal.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: /raid/matrices/com-LiveJournal/com-LiveJournal.grb read time: 0.698669 maximal independent set OK 1985876 of 3997962 nodes warmup time 0.110645 sec maximal independent set OK 1985876 of 3997962 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 0.156064 sec maximal independent set OK 1986172 of 3997962 nodes seed 3997963 threads 40 trial 1: 0.170836 sec maximal independent set OK 1985521 of 3997962 nodes seed 7995925 threads 40 trial 2: 0.164196 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 0.163699 matrix: /raid/matrices/com-LiveJournal/com-LiveJournal.grb SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: /raid/matrices/com-Orkut/com-Orkut.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: /raid/matrices/com-Orkut/com-Orkut.grb read time: 2.34691 maximal independent set OK 745711 of 3072441 nodes warmup time 0.172792 sec maximal independent set OK 745711 of 3072441 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 0.214857 sec maximal independent set OK 745045 of 3072441 nodes seed 3072442 threads 40 trial 1: 0.221951 sec maximal independent set OK 745364 of 3072441 nodes seed 6144883 threads 40 trial 2: 0.213032 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 0.216613 matrix: /raid/matrices/com-Orkut/com-Orkut.grb SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: /raid/matrices/com-Friendster/com-Friendster.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: /raid/matrices/com-Friendster/com-Friendster.grb read time: 54.9388 maximal independent set OK 35044972 of 65608366 nodes warmup time 5.073 sec maximal independent set OK 35044972 of 65608366 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 5.985578 sec maximal independent set OK 35043722 of 65608366 nodes seed 65608367 threads 40 trial 1: 5.947435 sec maximal independent set OK 35044441 of 65608366 nodes seed 131216733 threads 40 trial 2: 6.028655 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 5.987223 matrix: /raid/matrices/com-Friendster/com-Friendster.grb SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-kron/GAP-kron.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: ../../../GAP/GAP-kron/GAP-kron.grb read time: 72.9832 maximal independent set OK 117871763 of 134217726 nodes warmup time 8.25242 sec maximal independent set OK 117871763 of 134217726 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 9.792452 sec maximal independent set OK 117874014 of 134217726 nodes seed 134217727 threads 40 trial 1: 9.847944 sec maximal independent set OK 117874441 of 134217726 nodes seed 268435453 threads 40 trial 2: 9.890183 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 9.843526 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-kron/GAP-kron.grb SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-urand/GAP-urand.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: ../../../GAP/GAP-urand/GAP-urand.grb read time: 74.7585 maximal independent set OK 15649488 of 134217728 nodes warmup time 9.54483 sec maximal independent set OK 15649488 of 134217728 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 10.901920 sec maximal independent set OK 15646424 of 134217728 nodes seed 134217729 threads 40 trial 1: 10.960355 sec maximal independent set OK 15646917 of 134217728 nodes seed 268435457 threads 40 trial 2: 11.122882 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 10.995052 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-urand/GAP-urand.grb SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-twitter/GAP-twitter.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: ../../../GAP/GAP-twitter/GAP-twitter.grb read time: 38.3653 maximal independent set OK 47645149 of 61578415 nodes warmup time 3.81001 sec maximal independent set OK 47645149 of 61578415 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 4.686434 sec maximal independent set OK 47648385 of 61578415 nodes seed 61578416 threads 40 trial 1: 4.690101 sec maximal independent set OK 47644738 of 61578415 nodes seed 123156831 threads 40 trial 2: 4.667847 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 4.681461 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-twitter/GAP-twitter.grb SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-web/GAP-web.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: ../../../GAP/GAP-web/GAP-web.grb read time: 41.5669 maximal independent set OK 28710591 of 50636151 nodes warmup time 1.54353 sec maximal independent set OK 28710591 of 50636151 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 2.221277 sec maximal independent set OK 28708431 of 50636151 nodes seed 50636152 threads 40 trial 1: 2.161504 sec maximal independent set OK 28710021 of 50636151 nodes seed 101272303 threads 40 trial 2: 2.222252 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 2.201677 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-web/GAP-web.grb SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v5.2.0 [Oct 7, 2021 (alpha12)] # of trials: 3 threads to test: 40 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-road/GAP-road.grb [.grb] Reading binary file: ../../../GAP/GAP-road/GAP-road.grb read time: 1.41997 maximal independent set OK 10994725 of 23947347 nodes warmup time 0.238661 sec maximal independent set OK 10994725 of 23947347 nodes seed 1 threads 40 trial 0: 0.399690 sec maximal independent set OK 10995237 of 23947347 nodes seed 23947348 threads 40 trial 1: 0.416283 sec maximal independent set OK 10995214 of 23947347 nodes seed 47894695 threads 40 trial 2: 0.407545 sec Avg: MIS nthreads: 40 time: 0.407840 matrix: ../../../GAP/GAP-road/GAP-road.grb