Automatic Deployment ====================== [LAGraph on ReadTheDocs]( is updated automatically when the stable branch on github is updated. A webhook from GitHub to RTD activates, and RTD finds the `.readthedocs.yaml` file to set up configuration and build and deploy the docs. Local Build =========== To preview changes to the documentation locally, first set up a python build environment to run sphinx and doxygen. ## Option A: venv **Note**: Only use this option if `cmake` and `doxygen` are already available on your system. Otherwise, use Option B to `conda install` those libraries. `venv` is an environment manager built in to Python 3. It will create an isolated environment to `pip install` into without affecting the system python. ### Set up the virtual environment *This only needs to be done once.* cd LAGraph/rtdocs python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install sphinx==4.0.3 pip install sphinx_rtd_theme==0.5.2 pip install breathe deactivate ### Build the docs cd LAGraph/rtdocs source .venv/bin/activate ./ ## Option B: conda `conda` combines the functionality of both `venv` and `pip` and allows installing non-Python packages in an environment. If you don't already have conda installed, download and install [miniconda]( ### Set up the virtual environment conda create -n lagraph python=3.9 conda activate lagraph conda install -y -c conda-forge doxygen cmake sphinx==4.0.3 conda install -y -c conda-forge sphinx_rtd_theme==0.5.2 breathe conda deactivate ### Build the docs cd LAGraph/rtdocs conda activate lagraph ./