%%% ==================================================================== %%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Gerry Murray", %%% version = "1.2", %%% date = "2 April 2012", %%% filename = "acmsmall-sample-bibfile.bib", %%% address = "ACM, NY", %%% email = "murray at hq.acm.org", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "ACM Reference Format, bibliography, citation, references", %%% supported = "yes", %%% docstring = "This BibTeX database file contains 'bibdata' entries %%% that 'match' the examples provided in the Specifications Document %%% AND, also, 'legacy'-type bibs. It should assist authors in %%% choosing the 'correct' at-bibtype and necessary bib-fields %%% so as to obtain the appropriate ACM Reference Format output. %%% It also contains many 'Standard Abbreviations'. " %%% } %%% ==================================================================== % Journals % First the Full Name is given, then the abbreviation used in the AMS Math % Reviews, with an indication if it could not be found there. % Note the 2nd overwrites the 1st, so swap them if you want the full name. %{AMS} @String{AMSTrans = "American Mathematical Society Translations" } @String{AMSTrans = "Amer. Math. Soc. Transl." } @String{BullAMS = "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society" } @String{BullAMS = "Bull. Amer. Math. Soc." } @String{ProcAMS = "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society" } @String{ProcAMS = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc." } @String{TransAMS = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society" } @String{TransAMS = "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc." } %ACM @String{CACM = "Communications of the {ACM}" } @String{CACM = "Commun. {ACM}" } @String{CompServ = "Comput. Surveys" } @String{JACM = "J. ACM" } @String{ACMMathSoft = "{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software" } @String{ACMMathSoft = "{ACM} Trans. Math. Software" } @String{SIGNUM = "{ACM} {SIGNUM} Newsletter" } @String{SIGNUM = "{ACM} {SIGNUM} Newslett." } @String{AmerSocio = "American Journal of Sociology" } @String{AmerStatAssoc = "Journal of the American Statistical Association" } @String{AmerStatAssoc = "J. Amer. Statist. Assoc." } @String{ApplMathComp = "Applied Mathematics and Computation" } @String{ApplMathComp = "Appl. Math. Comput." } @String{AmerMathMonthly = "American Mathematical Monthly" } @String{AmerMathMonthly = "Amer. Math. Monthly" } @String{BIT = "{BIT}" } @String{BritStatPsych = "British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology" } @String{BritStatPsych = "Brit. J. Math. Statist. Psych." } @String{CanMathBull = "Canadian Mathematical Bulletin" } @String{CanMathBull = "Canad. Math. Bull." } @String{CompApplMath = "Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics" } @String{CompApplMath = "J. Comput. Appl. Math." } @String{CompPhys = "Journal of Computational Physics" } @String{CompPhys = "J. Comput. Phys." } @String{CompStruct = "Computers and Structures" } @String{CompStruct = "Comput. \& Structures" } @String{CompJour = "The Computer Journal" } @String{CompJour = "Comput. J." } @String{CompSysSci = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences" } @String{CompSysSci = "J. Comput. System Sci." } @String{Computing = "Computing" } @String{ContempMath = "Contemporary Mathematics" } @String{ContempMath = "Contemp. Math." } @String{Crelle = "Crelle's Journal" } @String{GiornaleMath = "Giornale di Mathematiche" } @String{GiornaleMath = "Giorn. Mat." } % didn't find in AMS MR., ibid. %IEEE @String{Computer = "{IEEE} Computer" } @String{IEEETransComp = "{IEEE} Transactions on Computers" } @String{IEEETransComp = "{IEEE} Trans. Comput." } @String{IEEETransAC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Automatic Control" } @String{IEEETransAC = "{IEEE} Trans. Automat. Control" } @String{IEEESpec = "{IEEE} Spectrum" } % didn't find in AMS MR @String{ProcIEEE = "Proceedings of the {IEEE}" } @String{ProcIEEE = "Proc. {IEEE}" } % didn't find in AMS MR @String{IEEETransAeroElec = "{IEEE} Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems" } @String{IEEETransAeroElec = "{IEEE} Trans. Aerospace Electron. Systems" } @String{IMANumerAna = "{IMA} Journal of Numerical Analysis" } @String{IMANumerAna = "{IMA} J. Numer. Anal." } @String{InfProcLet = "Information Processing Letters" } @String{InfProcLet = "Inform. Process. Lett." } @String{InstMathApp = "Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications" } @String{InstMathApp = "J. Inst. Math. Appl." } @String{IntControl = "International Journal of Control" } @String{IntControl = "Internat. J. Control" } @String{IntNumerEng = "International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering" } @String{IntNumerEng = "Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg." } @String{IntSuper = "International Journal of Supercomputing Applications" } @String{IntSuper = "Internat. J. Supercomputing Applic." } % didn't find %% in AMS MR @String{Kibernetika = "Kibernetika" } @String{JResNatBurStand = "Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards" } @String{JResNatBurStand = "J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards" } @String{LinAlgApp = "Linear Algebra and its Applications" } @String{LinAlgApp = "Linear Algebra Appl." } @String{MathAnaAppl = "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications" } @String{MathAnaAppl = "J. Math. Anal. Appl." } @String{MathAnnalen = "Mathematische Annalen" } @String{MathAnnalen = "Math. Ann." } @String{MathPhys = "Journal of Mathematical Physics" } @String{MathPhys = "J. Math. Phys." } @String{MathComp = "Mathematics of Computation" } @String{MathComp = "Math. Comp." } @String{MathScand = "Mathematica Scandinavica" } @String{MathScand = "Math. Scand." } @String{TablesAidsComp = "Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation" } @String{TablesAidsComp = "Math. Tables Aids Comput." } @String{NumerMath = "Numerische Mathematik" } @String{NumerMath = "Numer. Math." } @String{PacificMath = "Pacific Journal of Mathematics" } @String{PacificMath = "Pacific J. Math." } @String{ParDistComp = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing" } @String{ParDistComp = "J. Parallel and Distrib. Comput." } % didn't find %% in AMS MR @String{ParComputing = "Parallel Computing" } @String{ParComputing = "Parallel Comput." } @String{PhilMag = "Philosophical Magazine" } @String{PhilMag = "Philos. Mag." } @String{ProcNAS = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA" } @String{ProcNAS = "Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A." } @String{Psychometrika = "Psychometrika" } @String{QuartMath = "Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford, Series (2)" } @String{QuartMath = "Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2)" } @String{QuartApplMath = "Quarterly of Applied Mathematics" } @String{QuartApplMath = "Quart. Appl. Math." } @String{RevueInstStat = "Review of the International Statisical Institute" } @String{RevueInstStat = "Rev. Inst. Internat. Statist." } %SIAM @String{JSIAM = "Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics" } @String{JSIAM = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math." } @String{JSIAMB = "Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Series B, Numerical Analysis" } @String{JSIAMB = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. Ser. B Numer. Anal." } @String{SIAMAlgMeth = "{SIAM} Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods" } @String{SIAMAlgMeth = "{SIAM} J. Algebraic Discrete Methods" } @String{SIAMAppMath = "{SIAM} Journal on Applied Mathematics" } @String{SIAMAppMath = "{SIAM} J. Appl. Math." } @String{SIAMComp = "{SIAM} Journal on Computing" } @String{SIAMComp = "{SIAM} J. Comput." } @String{SIAMMatrix = "{SIAM} Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications" } @String{SIAMMatrix = "{SIAM} J. Matrix Anal. Appl." } @String{SIAMNumAnal = "{SIAM} Journal on Numerical Analysis" } @String{SIAMNumAnal = "{SIAM} J. Numer. Anal." } @String{SIAMReview = "{SIAM} Review" } @String{SIAMReview = "{SIAM} Rev." } @String{SIAMSciStat = "{SIAM} Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing" } @String{SIAMSciStat = "{SIAM} J. Sci. Statist. Comput." } @String{SoftPracExp = "Software Practice and Experience" } @String{SoftPracExp = "Software Prac. Experience" } % didn't find in AMS MR @String{StatScience = "Statistical Science" } @String{StatScience = "Statist. Sci." } @String{Techno = "Technometrics" } @String{USSRCompMathPhys = "{USSR} Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics" } @String{USSRCompMathPhys = "{U. S. S. R.} Comput. Math. and Math. Phys." } @String{VLSICompSys = "Journal of {VLSI} and Computer Systems" } @String{VLSICompSys = "J. {VLSI} Comput. Syst." } @String{ZAngewMathMech = "Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik" } @String{ZAngewMathMech = "Z. Angew. Math. Mech." } @String{ZAngewMathPhys = "Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik" } @String{ZAngewMathPhys = "Z. Angew. Math. Phys." } % Publishers % ================================================= | @String{Academic = "Academic Press" } @String{ACMPress = "{ACM} Press" } @String{AdamHilger = "Adam Hilger" } @String{AddisonWesley = "Addison-Wesley" } @String{AllynBacon = "Allyn and Bacon" } @String{AMS = "American Mathematical Society" } @String{Birkhauser = "Birkha{\"u}ser" } @String{CambridgePress = "Cambridge University Press" } @String{Chelsea = "Chelsea" } @String{ClaredonPress = "Claredon Press" } @String{DoverPub = "Dover Publications" } @String{Eyolles = "Eyolles" } @String{HoltRinehartWinston = "Holt, Rinehart and Winston" } @String{Interscience = "Interscience" } @String{JohnsHopkinsPress = "The Johns Hopkins University Press" } @String{JohnWileySons = "John Wiley and Sons" } @String{Macmillan = "Macmillan" } @String{MathWorks = "The Math Works Inc." } @String{McGrawHill = "McGraw-Hill" } @String{NatBurStd = "National Bureau of Standards" } @String{NorthHolland = "North-Holland" } @String{OxfordPress = "Oxford University Press" } %address Oxford or London? @String{PergamonPress = "Pergamon Press" } @String{PlenumPress = "Plenum Press" } @String{PrenticeHall = "Prentice-Hall" } @String{SIAMPub = "{SIAM} Publications" } @String{Springer = "Springer-Verlag" } @String{TexasPress = "University of Texas Press" } @String{VanNostrand = "Van Nostrand" } @String{WHFreeman = "W. H. Freeman and Co." } %Entries @article{DavisHagerHungerford2016, author = {Davis, Timothy A. and Hager, William W. and Hungerford, James T.}, title = {An Efficient Hybrid Algorithm for the Separable Convex Quadratic Knapsack Problem}, journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.}, issue_date = {May 2016}, volume = {42}, number = {3}, month = may, year = {2016}, issn = {0098-3500}, pages = {22:1--22:25}, articleno = {22}, numpages = {25}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2828635}, doi = {10.1145/2828635}, acmid = {2828635}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Continuous quadratic knapsack, convex programming, heap, nonlinear programming, quadratic programming, separable programming} } @article{SuiteSparseCollection, author = {Davis, Timothy A. and Hu, Yifan}, title = {The University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection}, journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.}, issue_date = {November 2011}, volume = {38}, number = {1}, month = dec, year = {2011}, issn = {0098-3500}, pages = {1:1--1:25}, articleno = {1}, numpages = {25}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2049662.2049663}, doi = {10.1145/2049662.2049663}, acmid = {2049663}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Graph drawing, multilevel algorithms, performance evaluation, sparse matrices} } @inproceedings{FiducciaMattheyses1982, author={C. M. Fiduccia and R. M. Mattheyses}, booktitle={19th Conference on Design Automation, 1982.}, title={A Linear-Time Heuristic for Improving Network Partitions}, year={1982}, pages={175-181}, keywords={Approximation algorithms;Computer networks;Data structures;Design automation;Iterative algorithms;Partitioning algorithms;Pins;Polynomials;Research and development}, doi={10.1109/DAC.1982.1585498}, ISSN={0146-7123}, month={June} } @article{Gupta1997, author={A. Gupta}, journal={IBM Journal of Research and Development}, title={Fast and effective algorithms for graph partitioning and sparse-matrix ordering}, year={1997}, volume={41}, number={1.2}, pages={171-183}, doi={10.1147/rd.411.0171}, ISSN={0018-8646}, month={Jan} } @article{HagerKrylyuk1999, author = {William W. Hager and Yaroslav Krylyuk}, title = {Graph Partitioning and Continuous Quadratic Programming}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {500-523}, year = {1999}, doi = {10.1137/S0895480199335829}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480199335829}, eprint = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480199335829} } @article{HendricksonLeland1995, author = {Bruce Hendrickson and Robert Leland}, title = {A Multi-Level Algorithm For Partitioning Graphs}, journal ={SC Conference}, volume = {0}, isbn = {0-89791-816-9}, year = {1995}, pages = {28}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/SUPERC.1995.3}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA} } @inproceedings{KarypisKumar1995, author = {Karypis, George and Kumar, Vipin}, title = {Analysis of Multilevel Graph Partitioning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing}, series = {Supercomputing '95}, year = {1995}, isbn = {0-89791-816-9}, location = {San Diego, California, USA}, articleno = {29}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/224170.224229}, doi = {10.1145/224170.224229}, acmid = {224229}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } @article{METIS, author = {George Karypis and Vipin Kumar}, title = {A Fast and High Quality Multilevel Scheme for Partitioning Irregular Graphs}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {359-392}, year = {1998}, doi = {10.1137/S1064827595287997}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S1064827595287997}, eprint = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S1064827595287997} } @article {KernighanLin1970, author = {Kernighan, B. W. and Lin, S.}, title = {An Efficient Heuristic Procedure for Partitioning Graphs}, journal = {Bell System Technical Journal}, volume = {49}, number = {2}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, issn = {1538-7305}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.1538-7305.1970.tb01770.x}, doi = {10.1002/j.1538-7305.1970.tb01770.x}, pages = {291--307}, year = {1970} } @article {MongooseTOMS, author = {Davis, T. A. and Hager, W. W. and Kolodziej, S. P. and Yeralan, N. S.}, title = {Algorithm {XXX}: {Mongoose}, A Graph Coarsening and Partitioning Library}, journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.}, note = {Submitted} }