SPEX is a software package for SParse EXact algebra Files and folders in this distribution: README.md this file build Contains the SPEX C library as well as the .so files DOC User guide for the SPEX software package MATLAB MATLAB interface for the SPEX software package SPEX_Backslash Exactly solve sparse linear systems with default settings. This is the easiest starting point for the SPEX software package. SPEX_Backslash will automatically determine the appropriate factorization algorithm for use in solving your problem A x = b (Developmental) SPEX_Cholesky Sparse integer-preserving SPEX_Cholesky factorization for exactly solving SPD linear systems (Developmental) SPEX_LU Sparse left-looking integer-preserving LU factorization for exactly solve sparse linear systems. (Release) SPEX_QR Sparse integer-preserving QR factorization (Developmental) SPEX_Update Sparse column replacement and rank 1 updates for the SPEX factorizations SPEX_UTIL Utility functions for all SPEX components Makefile compiles SPEX and its dependencies Dependencies: AMD approximate minimum degree ordering COLAMD column approximate minimum degree ordering SuiteSparse_config configuration for all of SuiteSparse GNU GMP GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library for big integer operations. v6.1.2 or later is required. GNU MPFR GNU Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable Library for arbitrary precision floating point operations. v4.0.2 or later is required. Default installation locations: include lib share To compile SPEX and its dependencies, just type "make" in this folder. This will also run a few short demos To install the package system-wide, copy the `lib/*` to /usr/local/lib, and copy `include/*` to /usr/local/include. Authors (alphabetical order): Jinhao Chen Timothy A. Davis Christopher Lourenco Lorena Mejia-Domenzain Erick Moreno-Centeno