function [C,R,E,B,X, err] = spqr_gpu2 (ordering, A) % info = spqr_gpu2 (ordering,A) % ordering: 1 colamd % ordering: 2 metis % SPQR, Copyright (c) 2008-2022, Timothy A Davis. All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ % write the matrix to a file mwrite ('A.mtx', A) ; if (exist ('R.mtx','file')) delete ('R.mtx') ; end if (exist ('C.mtx','file')) delete ('C.mtx') ; end if (exist ('E.txt','file')) delete ('E.txt') ; end setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/lib:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/lib64') if (ordering == 1) system ('tcsh') ; else system ('tcsh') ; end atanorm = norm (A'*A,1) ; [m n] = size (A) ; R = mread ('R.mtx') ; C = mread ('C.mtx') ; B = ones (m,1) ; E = load ('E.txt') ; S = A (:,E) ; err (1) = norm (R'*R - S'*S, 1) / atanorm ; X = R\C ; X (E) = X ; [C2, R2] = qr (S, B, 0) ; whos err (2) = norm (R2'*R2 - S'*S, 1) / atanorm ; X2 = R2\C2 ; X2 (E) = X2 ; err (3) = norm (X-X2) / norm (X2) ; x = A\B ; err (4) = norm (A'*(A*x-B)) / atanorm ; err (5) = norm (A'*(A*X-B)) / atanorm ; err (6) = norm (A'*(A*X2-B)) / atanorm ; % normalize the diagonal of R e = spdiags (sign (full (diag (R))), 0, n, n) ; R = e*R ; err (7) = norm (R'*R - S'*S, 1) / atanorm ; e = spdiags (sign (full (diag (R2))), 0, n, n) ; R2 = e*R2 ; err (8) = norm (R2'*R2 - S'*S, 1) / atanorm ; % err % log10(err) fprintf ('1: GPU norm(R''R-S''S) %12.4e\n', err (1)) ; fprintf ('2: matlab norm(R''R-S''S) %12.4e\n', err (2)) ; fprintf ('3: GPU vs matlab norm (X-X2)/norm(X) %12.4e\n', err (3)) ; fprintf ('4: x=A\\b norm(A''(Ax-b))/norm(A''A) %12.4e\n', err (4)) ; fprintf ('5: GPU norm(A''(Ax-b))/norm(A''A) %12.4e\n', err (5)) ; fprintf ('6: matlab norm(A''(Ax-b))/norm(A''A) %12.4e\n', err (6)) ; fprintf ('7: GPU norm(R''R-S''S) nonneg %12.4e\n', err (7)) ; fprintf ('8: matlab norm(R''R-S''S) nonneg %12.4e\n', err (8)) ; fprintf ('\n-------------------------------------------------------\n') ; if (err (2) > 1e-10 || err (5) > max (1e-12, 1e3 * err (4))) warning ('!') end