function umfpack_demo (c) %UMFPACK_DEMO a lenghty demo % % A demo of UMFPACK for MATLAB. % % Example: % umfpack_demo % % See also umfpack, umfpack_make, umfpack_details, umfpack_report, % and umfpack_simple. % UMFPACK, Copyright (c) 2005-2022, Timothy A. Davis, All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % get default control parameters %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- control = umfpack ; if (nargin < 1) fprintf ('\nEnter the printing level for UMFPACK''s output statistics:\n') ; fprintf ('0: none, 1: errors only, 2: statistics, 4: print some outputs\n'); c = input ('5: print all output [default is 1]: ', 's') ; c = str2double (c) ; end if (isempty (c)) c = 1 ; end control.prl = c ; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % solve a simple system %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf ('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n') ; fprintf ('Factor and solve a small system, Ax=b, using default parameters\n') ; if (control.prl > 1) fprintf ('(except for verbose printing enabled)\n') ; end load west0067_triplet A = spconvert (west0067_triplet) ; n = size (A, 1) ; b = rand (n, 1) ; fprintf ('Solving Ax=b via UMFPACK:\n') ; xu = umfpack (A, '\', b, control) ; fprintf ('Solving Ax=b via MATLAB:\n') ; xm = A\b ; fprintf ('Difference between UMFPACK and MATLAB solution: %g\n', ... norm (xu - xm, Inf)) ; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % spy the results %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clf subplot (2,3,1) spy (A) title ('The matrix A') ; subplot (2,3,2) [P1, Q1, Fr, Ch, Info] = umfpack (A, 'symbolic') ; %#ok treeplot (Fr (1:end-1,2)') ; title ('Supernodal column elimination tree') ; subplot (2,3,3) spy (P1 * A * Q1) title ('A, with initial row and column order') ; subplot (2,3,4) fprintf ('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n') ; fprintf ('\nFactorizing [L, U, P, Q, R] = umfpack (A)\n') ; [L, U, P, Q, R] = umfpack (A) ; spy (P*A*Q) title ('A, with final row/column order') ; fprintf ('\nP * (R\\A) * Q - L*U should be zero:\n') ; fprintf ('norm (P*(R\\A)*Q - L*U, 1) = %g (exact) %g (estimated)\n', ... norm (P * (R\A) * Q - L*U, 1), lu_normest (P * (R\A) * Q, L, U)) ; fprintf ('\nSolution to Ax=b via UMFPACK factorization:\n') ; fprintf ('x = Q * (U \\ (L \\ (P * (R \\ b))))\n') ; xu = Q * (U \ (L \ (P * (R \ b)))) ; fprintf ('\nUMFPACK flop count: %d\n', luflop (L, U)) ; subplot (2,3,5) spy (spones (L) + spones (U)) title ('UMFPACK LU factors') ; subplot (2,3,6) fprintf ('\nFactorizing [L, U, P] = lu (A (:, q))\n') ; try q = colamd (A) ; catch fprintf ('\n *** colamd not found, using colmmd instead *** \n') ; q = colmmd (A) ; end [L, U, P] = lu (A (:,q)) ; spy (spones (L) + spones (U)) title ('MATLAB LU factors') ; fprintf ('\nSolution to Ax=b via MATLAB factorization:\n') ; fprintf ('x = U \\ (L \\ (P * b)) ; x (q) = x ;\n') ; xm = U \ (L \ (P * b)) ; xm (q) = xm ; fprintf ('Difference between UMFPACK and MATLAB solution: %g\n', ... norm (xu - xm, Inf)) ; fprintf ('\nMATLAB LU flop count: %d\n', luflop (L, U)) ; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % solve A'x=b %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf ('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n') ; fprintf ('Solve A''x=b:\n') ; fprintf ('Solving A''x=b via UMFPACK:\n') ; xu = umfpack (b', '/', A, control) ; xu = xu' ; fprintf ('Solving A''x=b via MATLAB:\n') ; xm = (b'/A)' ; fprintf ('Difference between UMFPACK and MATLAB solution: %g\n', ... norm (xu - xm, Inf)) ; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % factor A' and then solve Ax=b using the factors of A' %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf ('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n') ; fprintf ('Compute C = A'', and compute the LU factorization of C.\n') ; fprintf ('Factorizing A'' can sometimes be better than factorizing A itself\n'); fprintf ('(less work and memory usage). Solve C''x=b; the solution is the\n') ; fprintf ('same as the solution to Ax=b for the original A.\n'); C = A' ; % factorize C (P,Q) = L*U [L, U, P, Q, R, info] = umfpack (C, control) ; %#ok fprintf ('\nP * (R\\C) * Q - L*U should be zero:\n') ; fprintf ('norm (P*(R\\C)*Q - L*U, 1) = %g (exact) %g (estimated)\n', ... norm (P * (R\C) * Q - L*U, 1), lu_normest (P * (R\C) * Q, L, U)) ; fprintf ('\nSolution to Ax=b via UMFPACK, using the factors of C:\n') ; fprintf ('x = R \\ (P'' * (L'' \\ (U'' \\ (Q'' * b)))) ;\n') ; xu = R \ (P' * (L' \ (U' \ (Q' * b)))) ; fprintf ('Solution to Ax=b via MATLAB:\n') ; xm = A\b ; fprintf ('Difference between UMFPACK and MATLAB solution: %g\n', ... norm (xu - xm, Inf)) ; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % solve Ax=B %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf ('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n') ; fprintf ('\nSolve AX=B, where B is n-by-10, and sparse\n') ; B = sprandn (n, 10, 0.05) ; XU = umfpack_solve (A, '\', B, control) ; XM = A\B ; fprintf ('Difference between UMFPACK and MATLAB solution: %g\n', ... norm (XU - XM, Inf)) ; fprintf ('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n') ; fprintf ('\nSolve AX=B, where B is n-by-10, and sparse, using umfpack_btf\n') ; XU = umfpack_btf (A, B, control) ; fprintf ('Difference between UMFPACK and MATLAB solution: %g\n', ... norm (XU - XM, Inf)) ; fprintf ('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n') ; fprintf ('\nSolve A''X=B, where B is n-by-10, and sparse\n') ; XU = umfpack_solve (B', '/', A, control) ; XM = B'/A ; fprintf ('Difference between UMFPACK and MATLAB solution: %g\n', ... norm (XU - XM, Inf)) ; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % compute the determinant %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf ('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n') ; fprintf ('det(A): %g UMFPACK determinant: %g\n', det (A), umfpack (A, 'det'));