% ssget: MATLAB interface for the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. % % ssget - loads a matrix from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. % ssweb - opens the URL for a matrix in the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. % ssgrep - search for matrices in the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. % sskinds - get 'kind' of each problem in the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. % sssvd - singular values of a matrix in the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. % % Helper functions: % % ssget_defaults - returns default parameter settings for ssget. % ssget_example - a demo for ssget. % ssget_lookup - gets the group, name, and id of a matrix. % % Example: % help ssget % ssget, Copyright (c) 2009-2022, Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-clause