function Problem = ssget (matrix, ss_index) %SSGET loads a matrix from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. % (formerly called the University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection). % % Problem = ssget(matrix) loads a matrix from the SuiteSparse Matrix % Collection, specified as either a unique ID number (1 to the # of matrices % in the collection) or as a string (the full name of the matrix). With no % input parameters, index=ssget returns an index of matrices in the % collection. A local copy of the matrix is saved. If no input or output % arguments are provided, the index is printed. With a 2nd parameter % (Problem = ssget (matrix, index)), the index file is not loaded. This is % faster if you are loading lots of matrices. % % Examples: % index = ssget ; % loads index % index = ssget ('refresh') ; % forces download of new index % index = ssget ('update') ; % same as 'refresh' % % Problem = ssget (6) % 4 ways of loading the same Problem % Problem = ssget ('HB/arc130') % Problem = ssget (6, index) % Problem = ssget ('HB/arc130', index) % % See also ssgrep, ssweb, ssget_example, ssget_defaults, websave. % ssget, Copyright (c) 2009-2022, Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-clause %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % get the parameter settings %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- params = ssget_defaults ; % The ss_index.mat file is used by ssget only, not by indexfile = [ params.topdir 'files' filesep 'ss_index.mat' ] ; indexurl = [ params.topurl '/files/ss_index.mat' ] ; % The ssstats.csv file is used by the program. It is also used by % the sskinds.m function, which reads the file to find the problem kind for % each matrix in the collection. statfile = [ params.topdir 'files' filesep 'ssstats.csv' ] ; staturl = [ params.topurl '/files/ssstats.csv' ] ; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % get the index file (download a new one if necessary) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- refresh = 0 ; if nargin == 0 % if the user passed in a zero or no argument at all, return the index file matrix = 0 ; else % ssget ('refresh') downloads the latest index file from the web if (ischar (matrix)) if (strcmp (matrix, 'refresh') || strcmp (matrix, 'update')) matrix = 0 ; refresh = 1 ; end end end if (~refresh) try % load the existing index file if (nargin < 2) load (indexfile) ; end % see if the index file is old; if so, download a fresh copy fileinfo = dir (indexfile) ; refresh = (fileinfo.datenum + params.refresh < now) ; catch % oops, no index file, or a refresh is due. download it. refresh = 1 ; end end err = '' ; % to catch a download error, if any if (refresh) % a new ss_index.mat file to get access to new matrices (if any) try % fprintf ('Downloading latest index to the collection.\n') ; % get a new ss_index.mat file tmp = tempname ; % download to a temp file first old = [ params.topdir 'files' filesep 'ss_index_old.mat' ] ; websave (tmp, indexurl) ; % download the latest index file try movefile (indexfile, old, 'f') ; % keep a backup of the old index catch % backup failed, continue anyway end movefile ([tmp '.mat'], indexfile, 'f');% move the new index into place % get a new ssstats.csv file tmp = tempname ; % download to a temp file first old = [ params.topdir 'files' filesep 'ssstats_old.csv' ] ; websave (tmp, staturl) ; % download the latest stats file try movefile (statfile, old, 'f') ; % keep a backup of the old stats catch % backup failed, continue anyway end movefile ([tmp '.csv'], statfile, 'f') ;% move the new index into place catch me err = me.message ; end load (indexfile) ; end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % return the index file if requested %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (matrix == 0) if (nargout == 0) % no output arguments have been passed, so print the index file fprintf ('\nSuiteSparse Matrix Collection\n') ; fprintf ('(formerly called the Univ of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection)\n') ; fprintf ('index: last revised %s\n', ss_index.LastRevisionDate) ; fprintf ('\nLegend:\n') ; fprintf ('(p,n)sym: symmetry of the pattern and values\n') ; fprintf (' (0 = unsymmetric, 1 = symmetric, - = not computed)\n') ; fprintf ('type: real\n') ; fprintf (' complex\n') ; fprintf (' binary: all entries are 0 or 1\n') ; nmat = length (ss_index.nrows) ; for j = 1:nmat if (mod (j, 25) == 1) fprintf ('\n') ; fprintf ('ID Group/Name nrows-by- ncols nonzeros (p,n)sym type\n') ; end s = sprintf ('%s/%s', ss_index.Group {j}, ss_index.Name {j}) ; fprintf ('%4d %-30s %7d-by-%7d %9d ', ... j, s, ss_index.nrows (j), ss_index.ncols (j), ss_index.nnz (j)) ; psym = ss_index.pattern_symmetry (j) ; nsym = ss_index.numerical_symmetry (j) ; if (psym < 0) fprintf (' - ') ; else fprintf (' %4.2f', psym) ; end if (nsym < 0) fprintf (' - ') ; else fprintf (' %4.2f', nsym) ; end if (ss_index.isBinary (j)) fprintf (' binary\n') ; elseif (~ss_index.isReal (j)) fprintf (' complex\n') ; else fprintf (' real\n') ; end end else Problem = ss_index ; end if (~isempty (err)) fprintf ('\nssget: unable to download latest index; using old one.\n') ; disp (err) ; end return ; end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % determine if the matrix parameter is a matrix index or name %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [group, matname, id] = ssget_lookup (matrix, ss_index) ; if (id == 0) error ('invalid matrix') ; end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % download the matrix (if needed) and load it into MATLAB grpdir = [ params.topdir 'mat' filesep group ] ; matfile = [ grpdir filesep matname '.mat' ] ; maturl = [ params.topurl '/mat/' group '/' matname '.mat' ] ; if (~exist (grpdir, 'dir')) mkdir (grpdir) ; % create the Group directory end if (~exist (matfile, 'file')) fprintf ('downloading %s\n', maturl) ; fprintf ('to %s\n', matfile) ; tmp = tempname ; % download to a temp file first websave (tmp, maturl) ; movefile ([tmp '.mat'], matfile, 'f') ; % move the new matrix into place end load (matfile) ;