function params = ssget_defaults %SSGET_DEFAULTS returns default parameter settings for ssget. % Usage: params = ssget_defaults ; % Returns the default parameter settings for ssget. % Edit this file to change these settings. % % params.topurl: URL for the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection, % default is You shouldn't need to change this, % but you can edit this URL to access the collection from a mirror. % % params.topdir: your directory for your copy of the collection. The default % is the directory containing this M-file. If you modify this file and % use (for example): % params.topdir = '/users/me/mystuff/' ; % then all of your copies of the matrices will reside there. The MATLAB % *.mat files will be in /users/me/mystuff/mat/, Matrix Market files go % in /users/me/mystuff/MM, and Rutherford-Boeing files are in % /users/me/mystuff/RB. % % params.refresh: how many days should elapse before re-downloading the % index file (for obtaining access to new matrices in the collection). % default is 30 days. Use 'inf' to never refresh. % % Example: % params = ssget_defaults ; % % See also ssget. % ssget, Copyright (c) 2009-2022, Timothy A. Davis. All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-clause % decode the current directory for this M-file s = which (mfilename) ; i = find (s == filesep) ; this = s (1:i(end)) ; params.topurl = '' ; params.topdir = this ; params.refresh = 30 ; if (params.topdir (end) ~= filesep) % ensure a file separator appears at the end of the local directory path params.topdir = [params.topdir filesep] ; end