syntax = "proto3"; package summa.proto; import "query.proto"; import "utils.proto"; // Manages indices service IndexApi { // Attaches index to Summa server. Attaching allows to incorporate and start using of downloaded or network indices rpc attach_index(AttachIndexRequest) returns (AttachIndexResponse) {} // Committing all collected writes to the index rpc commit_index (CommitIndexRequest) returns (CommitIndexResponse) {} // Copy documents from one index to another rpc copy_documents (CopyDocumentsRequest) returns (CopyDocumentsResponse) {} // Creates new index from scratch rpc create_index (CreateIndexRequest) returns (CreateIndexResponse) {} // Creates new index from scratch rpc copy_index (CopyIndexRequest) returns (CopyIndexResponse) {} // Deletes single document from the index by its primary key (therefore, index must have primary key) rpc delete_documents (DeleteDocumentsRequest) returns (DeleteDocumentsResponse) {} // Deletes index and physically removes file in the case of `FileEngine` rpc delete_index (DeleteIndexRequest) returns (DeleteIndexResponse) {} // Stream of all documents from the index rpc documents (DocumentsRequest) returns (stream DocumentsResponse) {} // Gets all existing index aliases rpc get_indices_aliases (GetIndicesAliasesRequest) returns (GetIndicesAliasesResponse) {} // Gets index description rpc get_index (GetIndexRequest) returns (GetIndexResponse) {} // Gets all existing index descriptions rpc get_indices (GetIndicesRequest) returns (GetIndicesResponse) {} // Adds document to the index in a streaming way rpc index_document_stream (stream IndexDocumentStreamRequest) returns (IndexDocumentStreamResponse) {} // Adds document to the index rpc index_document (IndexDocumentRequest) returns (IndexDocumentResponse) {} // Merges multiple segments into a single one. Used for service purposes rpc merge_segments (MergeSegmentsRequest) returns (MergeSegmentsResponse) {} // Sets or replaces existing index alias rpc set_index_alias (SetIndexAliasRequest) returns (SetIndexAliasResponse) {} // Removes deletions from all segments rpc vacuum_index (VacuumIndexRequest) returns (VacuumIndexResponse) {} // Loads all hot parts of the index into the memory rpc warmup_index (WarmupIndexRequest) returns (WarmupIndexResponse) {} } // Merge policy that describes how to merge committed segments message MergePolicy { oneof merge_policy { LogMergePolicy log = 11; TemporalMergePolicy temporal = 12; } } // Attach file engine request message AttachFileEngineRequest {} // Attach remote engine request message AttachRemoteEngineRequest { RemoteEngineConfig config = 1; } // Attach index request message AttachIndexRequest { // Index name for attaching string index_name = 1; // Attach index engine request oneof index_engine { AttachFileEngineRequest file = 2; AttachRemoteEngineRequest remote = 3; } MergePolicy merge_policy = 10; QueryParserConfig query_parser_config = 11; } // Description of the attached index message AttachIndexResponse { IndexDescription index = 1; } // Store the state of index to the storage message CommitIndexRequest { string index_name = 1; bool with_hotcache = 2; } // Returned data from the commit command message CommitIndexResponse { // Pure time spent for committing double elapsed_secs = 1; } // Copy documents from one index to another. Their schemes must be compatible message CopyDocumentsRequest { // Where documents should be taken from string source_index_name = 1; // Where documents should be copied to string target_index_name = 2; // How to deal with conflicts on unique fields. Recommended to set to DoNothing for large updates and maintain uniqueness in your application optional ConflictStrategy conflict_strategy = 3; } // Copy documents response message CopyDocumentsResponse { double elapsed_secs = 1; uint32 copied_documents = 2; } // Request that changes index engine. Currently possible to convert File to IPFS message CopyIndexRequest { // Name of index that will be migrated. It will be left intact after migration. string source_index_name = 1; // Name of index that will be created string target_index_name = 2; // Target index engine oneof target_index_engine { CreateFileEngineRequest file = 3; CreateMemoryEngineRequest memory = 4; } MergePolicy merge_policy = 6; } // Response describing migrated index message CopyIndexResponse { IndexDescription index = 1; } message SortByField { string field = 1; Order order = 2; } message CreateFileEngineRequest {} message CreateMemoryEngineRequest {} enum ConflictStrategy { DO_NOTHING = 0; OVERWRITE_ALWAYS = 1; OVERWRITE = 2; MERGE = 3; } message MappedField { string source_field = 1; string target_field = 2; } message IndexAttributes { // Timestamp when index has been created uint64 created_at = 1; // Unique fields of the index. Summa maintains unique constraint on them and uses for deduplicating data repeated string unique_fields = 2; // Multi fields is ones that may have multiple values and processed as lists. All other fields will be forcefully converted to singular value repeated string multi_fields = 4; // Text index description optional string description = 6; ConflictStrategy conflict_strategy = 8; repeated MappedField mapped_fields = 9; optional string auto_id_field = 10; } // Request for index creation message CreateIndexRequest { // Index name string index_name = 1; // Index engine oneof index_engine { CreateFileEngineRequest file = 7; CreateMemoryEngineRequest memory = 8; } // Index schema in Tantivy format string schema = 2; // Compression for store Compression compression = 3; // Size of store blocks optional uint32 blocksize = 4; // Field for sorting optional SortByField sort_by_field = 5; // Optional index fields IndexAttributes index_attributes = 6; // Merge policy MergePolicy merge_policy = 20; QueryParserConfig query_parser_config = 21; } message CreateIndexResponse { IndexDescription index = 1; } message DeleteDocumentsRequest { string index_name = 1; Query query = 2; } message DeleteDocumentsResponse { uint64 deleted_documents = 1; } message DeleteIndexRequest { string index_name = 1; } message DeleteIndexResponse { string deleted_index_name = 1; } message GetIndicesAliasesRequest {} message GetIndicesAliasesResponse { map indices_aliases = 1; } message GetIndexRequest { string index_name = 1; } message GetIndexResponse { IndexDescription index = 1; } message GetIndicesRequest {} message GetIndicesResponse { repeated string index_names = 1; } message IndexDocumentStreamRequest { string index_name = 1; repeated bytes documents = 2; optional ConflictStrategy conflict_strategy = 3; bool skip_updated_at_modification = 4; } message IndexDocumentStreamResponse { double elapsed_secs = 1; uint64 success_docs = 2; uint64 failed_docs = 3; } message IndexDocumentRequest { string index_name = 1; bytes document = 2; bool skip_updated_at_modification = 3; } message IndexDocumentResponse {} message MergeSegmentsRequest { string index_name = 1; repeated string segment_ids = 2; } message MergeSegmentsResponse { optional string segment_id = 1; } message SetIndexAliasRequest { string index_alias = 1; string index_name = 2; } message SetIndexAliasResponse { // If set, equals to the previous alias of the index optional string old_index_name = 1; } // Request a stream of all documents from the index message DocumentsRequest { string index_name = 1; repeated string fields = 2; optional Query query_filter = 3; } // Single document from the index message DocumentsResponse { string document = 1; } message VacuumIndexRequest { string index_name = 1; repeated string excluded_segments = 2; } message VacuumIndexResponse { uint64 freed_space_bytes = 1; } message WarmupIndexRequest { string index_name = 1; // If set to false, only term dictionaries will be warmed, otherwise the entire index will be read. bool is_full = 2; } message WarmupIndexResponse { // Time spent in warming operation double elapsed_secs = 1; } // Compression library for store, implies on both performance and occupied disk space enum Compression { None = 0; Zstd = 4; Zstd7 = 5; Zstd9 = 6; Zstd14 = 7; Zstd19 = 8; Zstd22 = 9; } message FileEngineConfig { string path = 1; } message MemoryEngineConfig { // Schema of the index for memory engine string schema = 1; } message CacheConfig { // Total cache size in bytes uint64 cache_size = 1; } // Remote HTTP engine config message RemoteEngineConfig { // Which method should be used to request remote endpoint string method = 1; // URL template which will be used to generate real URL by variables substitution string url_template = 2; // Headers template which will be used to generate real URL by variables substitution map headers_template = 3; // Description of the cache for the engine CacheConfig cache_config = 4; // Timeout for the request optional uint32 timeout_ms = 5; } // Merge policy for implementing [LogMergePolicy]( message LogMergePolicy { // Set if once merged segment should be left intact bool is_frozen = 1; } // Merge policy for compressing old segments message TemporalMergePolicy{ uint64 merge_older_then_secs = 1; } // Description of the `IndexEngine` responsible for managing files in the persistent storage message IndexEngineConfig { oneof config { FileEngineConfig file = 1; MemoryEngineConfig memory = 2; RemoteEngineConfig remote = 3; } // Merge policy MergePolicy merge_policy = 10; QueryParserConfig query_parser_config = 11; } // Description containing `Index` metadata fields message IndexDescription { string index_name = 1; // All index aliases repeated string index_aliases = 2; IndexEngineConfig index_engine = 3; // The number of committed documents uint64 num_docs = 4; // Used compression for `store` Compression compression = 5; // All custom index attributes IndexAttributes index_attributes = 6; } // Indexing operations that contains document serialized in JSON format message IndexDocumentOperation { bytes document = 1; } // Message that should be put in Kafka for ingesting by Summa consumers message IndexOperation { oneof operation { IndexDocumentOperation index_document = 2; } }