use crate::ns::*; pub struct Comment { pub(crate) multiline: bool, pub(crate) content: RefCell, pub(crate) location: RefCell, } impl Comment { pub fn new(multiline: bool, content: String, location: Location) -> Self { Self { multiline, content: RefCell::new(content), location: RefCell::new(location), } } pub fn multiline(&self) -> bool { self.multiline } /// The content of the comment. /// * If it is a multi-line comment, it includes all the characters after `/*` until `*/` (exclusive). /// * If it is a single-line comment, it includes all the characters after `//` /// until the next line terminator (exclusive) or end of program. pub fn content(&self) -> String { self.content.borrow().clone() } pub fn set_content(&self, content: String) { self.content.replace(content); } pub fn location(&self) -> Location { self.location.borrow().clone() } pub fn set_location(&self, location: Location) { self.location.replace(location); } /// Indicates whether the comment is an AsDoc comment preceding /// a specific location. pub fn is_asdoc(&self, location_to_precede: &Location) -> bool { if self.multiline && self.content.borrow().starts_with('*') { let mut i: usize = self.location.borrow().last_offset; for (i_1, ch) in self.location.borrow().compilation_unit().text()[i..].char_indices() { i = i_1; if !(CharacterValidator::is_whitespace(ch) || CharacterValidator::is_line_terminator(ch)) { break; } } i += self.location.borrow().last_offset; location_to_precede.first_offset == i } else { false } } }