use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::fmt::Debug; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize, Serializer}; use std::rc::Rc; use crate::compilation_unit::*; use crate::util::{CharacterReader, count_first_whitespace_characters}; /// Represents a source location. This location includes /// spanning lines and columns and the reference compilation unit. #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct Location { /// The compilation unit that this location belongs to. #[serde(skip)] pub(crate) compilation_unit: Rc, /// First UTF-8 offset. #[serde(skip)] pub(crate) first_offset: usize, /// Last UTF-8 offset. #[serde(skip)] pub(crate) last_offset: usize, } impl Serialize for Location { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { serializer.serialize_str(&format!("{}:{}-{}:{}", self.first_line_number(), self.first_column() + 1, self.last_line_number(), self.last_column() + 1)) } } impl Debug for Location { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "Location(first_line_number={}, first_column={}, first_offset={}, last_line_number={}, last_column={}, last_offset={})", self.first_line_number(), self.first_column(), self.first_offset, self.last_line_number(), self.last_column(), self.last_offset ) } } impl Eq for Location {} impl PartialEq for Location { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { Rc::ptr_eq(&self.compilation_unit, &other.compilation_unit) && self.first_offset == other.first_offset && self.last_offset == other.last_offset } } impl Ord for Location { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { self.partial_cmp(other).unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal) } } impl PartialOrd for Location { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { self.first_offset.partial_cmp(&other.first_offset) } } impl Location { /// Builds a location. pub fn with_offsets( compilation_unit: &Rc, first_offset: usize, last_offset: usize, ) -> Self { Self { compilation_unit: compilation_unit.clone(), first_offset, last_offset, } } /// Builds a location. pub fn with_offset(compilation_unit: &Rc, offset: usize) -> Self { Self::with_offsets(compilation_unit, offset, offset) } /// Build a location by combining two locations. `self` /// serves as the first location, while `other` serves as the /// last location. pub fn combine_with(&self, other: Location) -> Self { Self { compilation_unit: self.compilation_unit.clone(), first_offset: self.first_offset, last_offset: other.last_offset, } } /// Build a location by combining two locations. `self` /// serves as the first location, while the first column and first line /// of `other` serve as the last location. pub fn combine_with_start_of(&self, other: Location) -> Self { Self { compilation_unit: self.compilation_unit.clone(), first_offset: self.first_offset, last_offset: other.first_offset, } } /// The compilation unit that this location belongs to. pub fn compilation_unit(&self) -> Rc { self.compilation_unit.clone() } /// First line number, counted from one. pub fn first_line_number(&self) -> usize { self.compilation_unit.get_line_number(self.first_offset) } /// Last line number, counted from one. pub fn last_line_number(&self) -> usize { self.compilation_unit.get_line_number(self.last_offset) } // The first byte offset of this location. pub fn first_offset(&self) -> usize { self.first_offset } // The last byte offset of this location. pub fn last_offset(&self) -> usize { self.last_offset } /// Zero based first column of the location in code points. pub fn first_column(&self) -> usize { self.compilation_unit.get_column(self.first_offset) } /// Zero based last column of the location in code points. pub fn last_column(&self) -> usize { self.compilation_unit.get_column(self.last_offset) } pub fn character_count(&self) -> usize { self.compilation_unit.text()[self.first_offset..self.last_offset].chars().count() } /// Indicates whether a previous location and a next location /// have a line break in between. pub fn line_break(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.last_line_number() != other.first_line_number() } /// Returns the source text comprising the source location. pub fn text(&self) -> String { self.compilation_unit.text()[self.first_offset..self.last_offset].to_owned() } /// Shifts a count of characters off this location until end-of-file. pub fn shift_until_eof(&self, count: usize) -> Location { let mut ch = CharacterReader::from(&self.compilation_unit.text()[self.first_offset..]); for _ in 0..count { if { break; } } Self::with_offsets(&self.compilation_unit, self.first_offset + ch.index(), self.last_offset) } /// Shifts the count of whitespace characters in a text off this location. pub fn shift_whitespace(&self, text: &str) -> Location { self.shift_until_eof(count_first_whitespace_characters(text)) } }