#[allow(unused_imports)] use { // crate::error::Error, log::{debug, error, info, log, trace, warn}, }; use std::{net::Ipv6Addr, io::Read}; use std::path::Path; use anyhow::{Context, Result, Error, bail}; use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::raw::{NoopRawMutex, RawMutex}; use embassy_sync::mutex::Mutex; use pretty_hex::PrettyHex; use tokio::net::{TcpStream, TcpListener}; use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt,AsyncWriteExt}; use tokio::sync::oneshot; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; use tokio::task::spawn_local; use embedded_io_adapters::tokio_1::FromTokio; use sunset::*; use sunset_embassy::SSHServer; // struct StdRawMutex { // l: std::sync::Mutex<()>, // } // unsafe impl RawMutex for StdRawMutex { // const INIT: Self = Self::new(); // fn lock(&self, f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> R { // let x = self.l.lock(); // f() // } // } // impl StdRawMutex { // const fn new() -> Self { // Self { // l: std::sync::Mutex::new(()), // } // } // } use simplelog::*; #[derive(argh::FromArgs)] /** con1 */ struct Args { #[argh(switch, short='v')] /// verbose debug logging debug: bool, #[argh(switch)] /// more verbose trace: bool, #[argh(option, short='p', default="2244")] /// port port: u16, #[argh(option)] /// a path to hostkeys. At most one of each key type. hostkey: Vec, } fn parse_args() -> Result { let args: Args = argh::from_env(); Ok(args) } fn main() -> Result<()> { let args = parse_args()?; setup_log(&args)?; if args.hostkey.is_empty() { error!("At least one --hostkey is required"); return Ok(()) } let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap(); let local = task::LocalSet::new(); local.block_on(&rt, async { run(&args).await }) .map_err(|e| { error!("Exit with error: {e:?}"); e }) } fn setup_log(args: &Args) -> Result<()> { let mut conf = simplelog::ConfigBuilder::new(); let conf = conf .add_filter_allow_str("sunset") .add_filter_allow_str("serv1") // not debugging these bits of the stack at present .add_filter_ignore_str("sunset::traffic") .add_filter_ignore_str("sunset::runner") .add_filter_ignore_str("sunset_async::async_sunset") .set_time_offset_to_local().expect("Couldn't get local timezone") .build(); let level = if args.trace { LevelFilter::Trace } else if args.debug { LevelFilter::Debug } else { LevelFilter::Warn }; let mut logs: Vec> = vec![ TermLogger::new(level, conf.clone(), TerminalMode::Mixed, ColorChoice::Auto), ]; CombinedLogger::init(logs).unwrap(); Ok(()) } fn read_key(p: &str) -> Result { let mut v = vec![]; std::fs::File::open(p)?.read_to_end(&mut v)?; SignKey::from_openssh(v).context("parsing openssh key") } struct DemoServer<'a> { keys: Vec, sess: Option, shell_started: bool, shell: &'a DemoShell, } impl<'a> DemoServer<'a> { fn new(shell: &'a DemoShell, keyfiles: &[String]) -> Result { let keys = keyfiles.iter().map(|f| { read_key(f).with_context(|| format!("loading key {f}")) }).collect::>>()?; Ok(Self { sess: None, keys, shell_started: false, shell, }) } } impl<'a> ServBehaviour for DemoServer<'a> { fn hostkeys(&mut self) -> BhResult<&[SignKey]> { Ok(&self.keys) } fn have_auth_password(&self, user: TextString) -> bool { true } fn have_auth_pubkey(&self, user: TextString) -> bool { true } fn auth_password(&mut self, user: TextString, password: TextString) -> bool { user.as_str().unwrap_or("") == "matt" && password.as_str().unwrap_or("") == "pw" } fn auth_pubkey(&mut self, user: TextString, pubkey: &PubKey) -> bool { if user.as_str().unwrap_or("") != "matt" { return false } // key is tested1 pubkey.matches_openssh("ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMkNdReJERy1rPGqdfTN73TnayPR+lTNhdZvOgkAOs5x") .unwrap_or_else(|e| { warn!("Failed loading openssh key: {e}"); false }) } fn open_session(&mut self, chan: ChanNum) -> ChanOpened { if self.sess.is_some() { ChanOpened::Failure(ChanFail::SSH_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED) } else { self.sess = Some(chan); ChanOpened::Success } } fn sess_shell(&mut self, chan: ChanNum) -> bool { let r = !self.shell_started && self.sess == Some(chan); self.shell_started = true; self.shell_notify.take().send(chan); trace!("req want shell"); r } fn sess_pty(&mut self, chan: ChanNum, _pty: &Pty) -> bool { self.sess == Some(chan) } } struct DemoShell { notify: mpsc::Receiver, } impl DemoShell { async fn run<'f, S: ServBehaviour>(self, serv: &SSHServer<'_, S>) -> Result<()> { let session = async { // wait for a shell to start let chan = if let Ok(c) = self.notify.await { c } else { // no shell was started. that's OK. return Ok(()) }; loop { todo!("stuff"); // let mut b = [0u8; 20]; // let lr = serv.read_channel_stdin(chan, &mut b).await?; // let b = &mut b[..lr]; // for c in b.iter() { // menu.input_byte(*c); // menu.context.flush(serv, chan).await?; // } } // Ok(()) }; session.await } } fn run_session(args: &Args, mut stream: TcpStream) -> Result<()> { // app is a Behaviour let mut shell = DemoShell::default(); spawn_local(async move { // TODO: simplify let app = DemoServer::new(&shell, &args.hostkey)?; let app = Mutex::::new(app); let mut rxbuf = vec![0; 3000]; let mut txbuf = vec![0; 3000]; let serv = SSHServer::new(&mut rxbuf, &mut txbuf)?; let serv = &serv; spawn_local(async { let (rsock, wsock) = stream.split(); let mut rsock = FromTokio::new(rsock); let mut wsock = FromTokio::new(wsock); serv.run(&mut rsock, &mut wsock, &app).await }); spawn_local(shell.run(serv)); Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(()) }); Ok(()) } async fn run(args: &Args) -> Result<()> { // TODO not localhost. also ipv6? let listener = TcpListener::bind(("", args.port)).await.context("Listening")?; loop { let (stream, _) = listener.accept().await?; run_session(args, stream)? } #[allow(unreachable_code)] Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(()) }