012345601103781819010162562722883043205127687848002048206420802096211221284096411243524368460846244640465646724864488081928208822412288123041254424576245922460824624246402483224848286722868828704287202873628752289282918429200322563227232288323040123456789101112131415Device ListUse this model to to read and change the system operating mode (sysmode), determine which devices are on the REbus system, read device status updates, enable/disable devices, and get each device's Modbus Unit ID.Update Number. Incrementing number each time the mappping is changed. If the number is not changed from the last reading then none of the Modbus device addresses have changed.The number of connected devices (and repetitions of repeating block)REbus System mode (sysmode), also known as the operational modeSee X7601 Operation Manual for details on the REbus operational modesScale factor for V and T of repeating blockScale factor for I of repeating blockUnix epoch timeonline devices will reappear momentarily after clearingRCP number (manufacturer)RCP number (device type)RCP number (device ID)enable/disable deviceModbus unit identifierTime of last update (Unix epoch time)State is a status field used by Generac for operations and maintenance purposesREbus power (positive means the device is sourcing power onto REbus, negative means the device is sinking power from REbus) Total accumulated energy (exact definition differs by device)REbusBits is a status field used by Generac for operations and maintenance purposesREbus voltage in V*10REbus current in A*10Device temperature in C*10Otherdata 0Otherdata 1Otherdata 2Otherdata 3Otherdata 4Otherdata 5Otherdata 6Otherdata 7Otherdata 8Otherdata 9Otherdata AOtherdata BOtherdata COtherdata DOtherdata EOtherdata EOtherdata FOtherdata G