012001234567012301Include to support an IPv4 protocol stack on this interfaceInterface nameEnumerated value. Configuration statusthe stack is not configureda valid configuration from BOOTP, DHCP, or NV mema valid configuration from hardware settingsBitmask value. A configuration change is pendinga configuration change is pendingBitmask value. Identify capable sources of configurationDHCP Client capableBOOTP client capableZeroconf capableDNS Client capableSettable configuration capableHardware configuration capableNTP Client capableconfiguration change requires resetEnumerated value. Configuration method used.Use static IPUse DHCPUse BOOTPUse ZeroconfConfigure use of servicesEnable DNSEnable NTPIPv4 numeric address as a dotted string xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIPv4 numeric netmask as a dotted string xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIPv4 numeric gateway address as a dotted string xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIPv4 numeric DNS address as a dotted string xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIPv4 numeric DNS address as a dotted string xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIPv4 numeric NTP address as a dotted string xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIPv4 numeric NTP address as a dotted string xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxDomain name (24 chars max)Host name (24 chars max)