# Supabase Auth ![Crates.io License](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/supabase-auth?style=for-the-badge) [![Crates.io Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/supabase-auth?style=for-the-badge)](https://crates.io/crates/supabase-auth) ![GitHub Actions Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/proziam/supabase-auth-rs/rust.yml?branch=main&style=for-the-badge) [![docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/supabase-auth?style=for-the-badge)](https://docs.rs/supabase-auth/latest/supabase_auth/index.html) This is a Rust implementation of the [supabase js auth client](https://github.com/supabase/gotrue-js). The goal is to have feature parity and an easy-to-use API. Currently this software is functional, but not yet battle-tested. The goal is to go to 1.0.0 by the end of December, 2024. ## Installation ### Cargo ```bash cargo add supabase-auth ``` ## Usage ### Create an Auth Client ```rust // You can manually pass in the values let auth_client = AuthClient::new(project_url, api_key, jwt_secret).unwrap(); // Or you can use environment variables // Requires `SUPABASE_URL`, `SUPABASE_API_KEY`, and `SUPABASE_JWT_SECRET` environment variables let auth_client = AuthClient::new_from_env().unwrap(); ``` ### Sign Up ```rust // Sign up methods return the session which you can use for creating cookies let session = auth_client .sign_up_with_email_and_password(demo_email, demo_password) .await .unwrap(); // You can also sign up using a phone number and password let session = auth_client .sign_up_with_phone_and_password(demo_phone, demo_password) .await .unwrap(); ``` ### Sign In ```rust // Sign in methods return the session which you can use for creating cookies let session = auth_client .login_with_email(&demo_email, &demo_password) .await .unwrap(); // You can also login using a phone number let session = auth_client .login_with_phone(demo_phone, demo_password) .await .unwrap(); ``` ### OAuth ```rust // Returns the provider and the url where the user will continue the auth flow let oauth_response = auth_client .login_with_oauth(Provider::Github, None) .await .unwrap(); // You can also customize the options like so: let mut query_params = HashMap::new(); query_params.insert("key".to_string(), "value".to_string()); query_params.insert("second_key".to_string(), "second_value".to_string()); query_params.insert("third_key".to_string(), "third_value".to_string()); let options = SignInWithOAuthOptions { query_params: Some(query_params), redirect_to: Some("your-redirect-url".to_string()), scopes: Some("repo gist notifications".to_string()), skip_brower_redirect: Some(true), }; let response = auth_client .login_with_oauth(Provider::Github, Some(options)) .await .unwrap(); ``` ### SSO NOTE: Requires an SSO Provider and Supabase Pro plan ```rust let params = SignInWithSSO { domain: Some(demo_domain), options: None, provider_id: None, }; // Returns the URL where the user will continue the auth flow with your SSO provider let url = auth_client.sso(params).await.unwrap(); ``` ## Features - [x] Create Client - [x] Sign In with Email & Password - [x] Sign In with Phone & Password - [x] Sign Up with Email & Password - [x] Sign Up with Phone & Password - [x] Sign In with Third Party Auth (OAuth) - [x] Sign In with Magic Link - [x] Send Sign-In OTP (Email, SMS, Whatsapp) - [x] Sign In with OTP - [x] Refresh Session - [x] Resend OTP Tokens (Email & SMS) - [x] Retrieve User - [x] Reset Password - [x] Change User Data (e.g., Email or password) - [x] SSO ## Contributions Contributors are always welcome. I only ask that you add or update tests to cover your changes. Until this crate reaches 1.0.0 we're in the "move fast and break things" phase. Don't concern yourself with elegance.