[package] authors = ["Tsiry Sandratraina "] categories = ["command-line-utilities"] description = "Define and run multi-service applications on isolated environments with Nix or Docker" edition = "2021" keywords = ["compose", "supervisor", "cli", "docker", "nix"] license = "MPL-2.0" name = "superviseur-drivers" repository = "https://github.com/tsirysndr/superviseur" version = "0.1.0" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [dependencies] anyhow = "1.0.69" async-trait = "0.1.68" bollard = {version = "0.14.0", features = ["buildkit", "rustls", "tonic", "chrono", "ssl"]} chrono = "0.4.23" dyn-clone = "1.0.11" futures-util = "0.3.26" md5 = "0.7.0" nix = "0.26.2" owo-colors = "3.5.0" spinners = "4.1.0" superviseur-graphql = {path = "../graphql", version = "0.1.0"} superviseur-log = {path = "../log", version = "0.1.0"} superviseur-macros = {path = "../macros", version = "0.1.0"} superviseur-types = {path = "../types", version = "0.1.0"} superviseur-util = {path = "../util", version = "0.1.0"} tantivy = "0.19.2" tokio = {version = "1.24.2", features = ["tokio-macros", "macros", "rt", "rt-multi-thread"]} tokio-stream = {version = "0.1.12", features = ["net"]}