use std::net::IpAddr; use std::time::Duration; use futures::future::join_all; use rand::random; use surge_ping::{Client, Config, IcmpPacket, PingIdentifier, PingSequence, ICMP}; use tokio::time; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // test same url let ips = [ "", "", "", "", "240c::6666", "2a02:930::ff76", "", ]; let client_v4 = Client::new(&Config::default())?; let client_v6 = Client::new(&Config::builder().kind(ICMP::V6).build())?; let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for ip in &ips { match ip.parse() { Ok(IpAddr::V4(addr)) => { tasks.push(tokio::spawn(ping(client_v4.clone(), IpAddr::V4(addr)))) } Ok(IpAddr::V6(addr)) => { tasks.push(tokio::spawn(ping(client_v6.clone(), IpAddr::V6(addr)))) } Err(e) => println!("{} parse to ipaddr error: {}", ip, e), } } join_all(tasks).await; Ok(()) } // Ping an address 5 times, and print output message(interval 1s) async fn ping(client: Client, addr: IpAddr) { let payload = [0; 56]; let mut pinger = client.pinger(addr, PingIdentifier(random())).await; pinger.timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)); let mut interval = time::interval(Duration::from_secs(1)); for idx in 0..5 { interval.tick().await; match, &payload).await { Ok((IcmpPacket::V4(packet), dur)) => println!( "No.{}: {} bytes from {}: icmp_seq={} ttl={:?} time={:0.2?}", idx, packet.get_size(), packet.get_source(), packet.get_sequence(), packet.get_ttl(), dur ), Ok((IcmpPacket::V6(packet), dur)) => println!( "No.{}: {} bytes from {}: icmp_seq={} hlim={} time={:0.2?}", idx, packet.get_size(), packet.get_source(), packet.get_sequence(), packet.get_max_hop_limit(), dur ), Err(e) => println!("No.{}: {} ping {}", idx,, e), }; } println!("[+] {} done.",; }