# ipc-plugin IPC Plugin is used to share packets with suricata, functioning as a packet source. ## Requirements * CMake 3.0+ (Tested with 3.18+) * make ## Building The IPC Plugin requires suricata source, currently from the following branch: https://github.com/dbcfd/suricata/tree/4070-packet-reinit-api-2 To obtain the branch git clone https://github.com/dbcfd/suricata.git git checkout -b 4070-packet-reinit-api-2 origin/4070-packet-reinit-api-2 `suricata-ipc` requires this version of suricata to run. To build this version of suricata: autoreconf -i ./configure \ --enable-pcre-jit \ --disable-gccmarch-native \ --with-unix-socket make install make install-conf Building of the plugin expects suricata to live in `/build/suricata`. If you did not check out suricata to that location, then you must change the suricata dependency in `ipc-plugin-rs/Cargo.toml` to point at this suricata location. To build, you will need to run cmake, then make. export SURICATA_SRC_DIR=/path/to/suricata cmake -S . -B build cd build make make install The plugin will now be installed into your USER_PREFIX, likely `/usr/local/lib/libipc-plugin.so`.