# surrealdb-simple-migration A simple library for surrealdb migration process. ## Usage - Library 1. This library migrates files under the pattern `(_).surql`. Here some examples: ```shell path_to_dir/001.surql path_to_dir/002_create_users_table.surql path_to_dir/003_drop.surql ``` 2. In code: ```rust let db_connection = ...; let migration_directory_path = "your/custom/path"; // Here the code from the Library surrealdb_simple_migration::migrate(&db_connection, migration_directory_path).await; ``` ## Usage - Command Line Interface Install the package using `cargo install surrealdb-simple-migration`. It will automatically install the binary named `ssm` (short for `surrealdb-simple-migration`). Once installed, just run the command `ssm apply` to apply your migrations files. (default path for the directory of your migration files: `./`, default host address for you surrealdb instance `http://localhost:8000`). The default namespace and database used on the surrealdb instance are `default` and `dev`. If you want to reset your migrations use `ssm reset`. ### CLI Configuration You can config the CLI to use either your environment variables or pass the desired information as options. - `SSM_HOST` OR `-H your_host_address` in the CLI : Setup the host address (default `http://localhost:8000`). - `SSM_PATH` OR `-p your/migration/files/path/` in the CLI : Setup the path used to run the migrations against (default to `./`). - `SSM_NAMESPACE` OR `-n the_database_namespace` in the CLI : Setup the namespace used to run the migrations against (default to `default`). - `SSM_DB_NAME` OR `-n the_database_namespace` in the CLI : Setup the database used to run the migrations against (default to `dev`).