use surrealdb::{engine::remote::ws::{Client, Ws}, opt::auth::Root, Surreal}; #[derive(rust_embed::RustEmbed)] #[folder = "tests/migrations"] struct MigrationFiles; #[derive(rust_embed::RustEmbed)] #[folder = "tests/schema"] struct SchemaFiles; /// Start the server with the following command: /// ```bash /// podman run -u root --rm -p 8000:8000 -v ./surrealdb/data:/surrealdb/data surrealdb/surrealdb:v1.1.1 start --auth --user root --pass root file:/surrealdb/data/mydatabase.db /// ``` /// Connect to the server with the following command: /// ```bash /// podman run -it --rm --network=host surrealdb/surrealdb:v1.1.1 sql --endpoint ws:// -u root -p root /// ``` #[tokio::test] async fn create_migration_table_if_not_exists() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let client: Surreal = Surreal::new::("").await.unwrap(); client.signin(Root { username: "root", password: "root", }) .await.unwrap(); client.use_ns("system").use_db("system").await.unwrap(); surrealdb_migration_engine::run::(&client).await.unwrap(); }