# svanill-vault-server An HTTP server to store/retrieve files produced by svanill ([cli](https://github.com/svanill/svanill-cli) or [web](https://github.com/svanill/svanill)). An authenticated user can push, list or remove files to a dedicated S3 bucket. ## Third party services Required: - an S3 compatible service (AWS S3, minio, ...) Optional: - Sentry (to log errors) Currently users data is read from a SQLite db, so no external db is required. ## Build You will need [cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html), the Rust package manager. ``` cargo build ``` ## Run The build artifacts end in the target folder at the root of the project (as usual for multicrate Rust repositories). AWS credential by default are read by env variables `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, but there are other fallbacks, see [rusoto doc](https://github.com/rusoto/rusoto/blob/master/AWS-CREDENTIALS.md). You can also pass them as args (see `--help`). ``` cargo run # or execute the binary from `../target/debug` or `../target/release` ``` ``` # most params can be provided as env variables, here we just use arguments RUST_LOG=trace,actix_server=trace,actix_web=trace cargo run -- \ --s3-access-key-id=test_s3_access_key \ --s3-secret-access-key=test_s3_secret_key \ --s3-bucket testbucket \ --s3-region=us-east-1 \ --s3-endpoint=http://localhost:9000 \ -H \ -P 5000 \ -d test.db \ -v ``` ## Database svanill-vault-server access a read only SQLite database file. If the database file does not exist, it will be created and a migration will run automatically. You can add users by running a query such as ``` sqlite3 test.db sqlite> .schema CREATE TABLE __diesel_schema_migrations (version VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,run_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); CREATE TABLE user ( username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, challenge VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, answer VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL ); sqlite> INSERT INTO user VALUES ('your username', 'the challenge', 'the answer'); ``` ## Authentication Users authenticate by requesting a challenge and then providing the answer to that challenge. `answer` should be a random string, e.g. generated with `hexdump -n 16 -e '4/4 "%08X" 1 "\n"' /dev/random` `challenge` is the answer encrypted with a symmetric algorithm (supposedly using Svanill ([web](https://github.com/svanill/svanill) or [cli](https://github.com/svanill/svanill-cli)). It works this way so that a Svanill user can use a single password to both encrypt/decrypt files and login securely (Svanill encrypt using AES-GCM which doesn't suffer from known-plaintext attack).