use crate::file_server::FileServer; use actix_http::http::StatusCode; use ctor::ctor; use diesel::{ r2d2::{self, ConnectionManager}, RunQueryDsl, SqliteConnection, }; use r2d2::Pool; use ring::hmac; use ring::test::rand::FixedByteRandom; use rusoto_credential::AwsCredentials; use rusoto_mock::{MockCredentialsProvider, MockRequestDispatcher}; use rusoto_signature::region::Region; use std::net::TcpListener; use svanill_vault_openapi::{ AnswerUserChallengeRequest, AnswerUserChallengeResponse, AskForTheChallengeResponse, GetStartingEndpointsResponse, RemoveFileResponse, RequestUploadUrlRequestBody, RequestUploadUrlResponse, RetrieveListOfUserFilesResponse, }; use svanill_vault_server::auth::auth_token::AuthToken; use svanill_vault_server::auth::tokens_cache::TokensCache; use svanill_vault_server::errors::ApiError; use svanill_vault_server::{file_server, server::AppData}; #[macro_use] extern crate diesel_migrations; embed_migrations!(); #[cfg(test)] #[ctor] fn init_color_backtrace() { color_backtrace::install(); } fn setup_tokens_cache(token: &str, username: &str) -> TokensCache { let mut tokens_cache = TokensCache::default(); tokens_cache.insert(AuthToken(token.to_string()), username.to_string()); tokens_cache } fn setup_fake_random_key() -> hmac::Key { let rng = FixedByteRandom { byte: 0 }; hmac::Key::generate(hmac::HMAC_SHA256, &rng).expect("Cannot generate cryptographyc key") } pub trait AppDataBuilder { fn new() -> Self; fn tokens_cache(self, tokens_cache: TokensCache) -> Self; fn crypto_key(self, crypto_key: hmac::Key) -> Self; fn pool(self, pool: Pool>) -> Self; fn s3_fs(self, s3_fs: FileServer) -> Self; } impl AppDataBuilder for AppData { fn new() -> AppData { let tokens_cache = TokensCache::default(); let crypto_key = setup_fake_random_key(); let pool = setup_test_db(); let s3_fs = setup_s3_fs(MockRequestDispatcher::default()); AppData { tokens_cache, crypto_key, pool, s3_fs, } } fn tokens_cache(mut self, tokens_cache: TokensCache) -> Self { self.tokens_cache = tokens_cache; self } fn crypto_key(mut self, crypto_key: hmac::Key) -> Self { self.crypto_key = crypto_key; self } fn pool(mut self, pool: Pool>) -> Self { self.pool = pool; self } fn s3_fs(mut self, s3_fs: FileServer) -> Self { self.s3_fs = s3_fs; self } } fn spawn_app(data: AppData) -> String { let listener = TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed to bind random port"); // Retrieve the port assigned to us by the OS let port = listener.local_addr().unwrap().port(); let server = svanill_vault_server::server::run(listener, data).expect("Failed to bind address"); let _ = tokio::spawn(server); // We return the application address to the caller! format!("{}", port) } #[actix_rt::test] async fn noauth_noroute_must_return_401() { let address = spawn_app(AppData::new()); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .get(&format!("{}/not-exist", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-invalid-token") .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(401, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(401, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn auth_noroute_noget_must_return_405() { let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user"); let address = spawn_app(AppData::new().tokens_cache(tokens_cache)); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client // use a "not GET" request on an unexistent route .patch(&format!("{}/not-exist", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(405, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(405, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn auth_noroute_get_must_return_404() { let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user"); let address = spawn_app(AppData::new().tokens_cache(tokens_cache)); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .get(&format!("{}/not-exist", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(404, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(404, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn root() { let address = spawn_app(AppData::new()); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .get(&format!("{}/", &address)) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: GetStartingEndpointsResponse = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(200, json_resp.status); } fn setup_test_db() -> Pool> { let connspec = ":memory:"; let manager = ConnectionManager::::new(connspec); let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder() .build(manager) .expect("Failed to create database connection pool"); let connection = pool.get().expect("couldn't get db connection from pool"); embedded_migrations::run(&connection).expect("failed to run migrations"); pool } fn setup_test_db_with_user() -> Pool> { let pool = setup_test_db(); let connection = pool.get().expect("couldn't get db connection from pool"); let query = diesel::sql_query( r#" INSERT INTO user VALUES ('test_user_1', 'challenge1', 'answer1'), ('test_user_2', 'challenge2', 'answer2') "#, ); query .execute(&connection) .expect("failed to insert db test values"); pool } #[actix_rt::test] async fn get_auth_challenge_no_username_provided() { let address = spawn_app(AppData::new()); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .get(&format!("{}/auth/request-challenge", &address)) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(409, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(1002, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn get_auth_challenge_username_not_found() { let address = spawn_app(AppData::new()); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .get(&format!( "{}/auth/request-challenge?username=notfound", &address )) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(401, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(1005, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn get_auth_challenge_ok() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let address = spawn_app(AppData::new().pool(pool)); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .get(&format!( "{}/auth/request-challenge?username=test_user_2", &address )) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: AskForTheChallengeResponse = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(200, json_resp.status); assert_eq!("challenge2", json_resp.content.challenge); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn answer_auth_challenge_username_not_found() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let address = spawn_app(AppData::new().pool(pool)); let payload = AnswerUserChallengeRequest { username: "notfound".to_owned(), answer: "any_answer".to_owned(), }; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .post(&format!("{}/auth/answer-challenge", &address)) .json(&payload) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(401, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(1005, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn answer_auth_challenge_wrong_answer() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let address = spawn_app(AppData::new().pool(pool)); let payload = AnswerUserChallengeRequest { username: "test_user_2".to_owned(), answer: "wrong_answer".to_owned(), }; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .post(&format!("{}/auth/answer-challenge", &address)) .json(&payload) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(401, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(1006, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn answer_auth_challenge_ok() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let address = spawn_app(AppData::new().pool(pool)); let payload = AnswerUserChallengeRequest { username: "test_user_2".to_owned(), answer: "answer2".to_owned(), }; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .post(&format!("{}/auth/answer-challenge", &address)) .json(&payload) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: AnswerUserChallengeResponse = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(200, json_resp.status); assert!(!json_resp.content.token.is_empty()); // Do the same request again and verify that every token is unique let resp2 = client .post(&format!("{}/auth/answer-challenge", &address)) .json(&payload) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp2: AnswerUserChallengeResponse = resp2 .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(200, json_resp2.status); assert_ne!(json_resp.content.token, json_resp2.content.token); } fn setup_s3_fs(s3_resp_mock: MockRequestDispatcher) -> FileServer { let region = Region::EuCentral1; let bucket = "test_bucket".to_string(); let provider = MockCredentialsProvider; let credentials = AwsCredentials::new("mock_key", "mock_secret", None, None); let client = rusoto_s3::S3Client::new_with(s3_resp_mock, provider, Default::default()); FileServer { region, bucket, client, credentials, presigned_url_timeout: std::time::Duration::from_secs(10), } } #[actix_rt::test] async fn request_upload_url_ok() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user_2"); let address = spawn_app(AppData::new().pool(pool).tokens_cache(tokens_cache)); let payload = RequestUploadUrlRequestBody { filename: "test_filename".to_owned(), }; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .post(&format!("{}/files/request-upload-url", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .json(&payload) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: RequestUploadUrlResponse = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(200, json_resp.status); assert!(!json_resp.links.upload_url.href.is_empty()); assert!(!json_resp.links.retrieve_url.href.is_empty()); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn request_upload_url_empty_filename() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user_2"); let address = spawn_app(AppData::new().pool(pool).tokens_cache(tokens_cache)); let payload = RequestUploadUrlRequestBody { filename: "".to_owned(), }; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .post(&format!("{}/files/request-upload-url", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .json(&payload) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(409, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(1002, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn request_upload_url_wrong_payload() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user_2"); let address = spawn_app(AppData::new().pool(pool).tokens_cache(tokens_cache)); let payload = "not a proper payload"; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .post(&format!("{}/files/request-upload-url", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .body(payload) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(400, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(1024, json_resp.error.code); assert_eq!(json_resp.error.message, "Content type error"); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn list_user_files_ok() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user_2"); let s3_resp_mock = MockRequestDispatcher::default().with_body( r#" quotes 1 3 false some_object_1.txt 2013-09-17T18:07:53.000Z "599bab3ed2c697f1d26842727561fd94" 857 REDUCED_REDUNDANCY some_object_2.txt 2013-09-17T18:07:53.000Z "d26842727561fd94599bab3ed2c697f1" 346 REDUCED_REDUNDANCY "#, ); let s3_fs = setup_s3_fs(s3_resp_mock); let address = spawn_app( AppData::new() .pool(pool) .tokens_cache(tokens_cache) .s3_fs(s3_fs), ); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .get(&format!("{}/files/", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: RetrieveListOfUserFilesResponse = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(200, json_resp.status); assert_eq!(2, json_resp.content.len()); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn list_user_files_s3_error() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user_2"); let s3_resp_mock = MockRequestDispatcher::with_status(500).with_body("gibberish"); let s3_fs = setup_s3_fs(s3_resp_mock); let address = spawn_app( AppData::new() .pool(pool) .tokens_cache(tokens_cache) .s3_fs(s3_fs), ); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .get(&format!("{}/files/", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(500, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(1022, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn delete_files_s3_error() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user_2"); let s3_resp_mock = MockRequestDispatcher::with_status(400); let s3_fs = setup_s3_fs(s3_resp_mock); let address = spawn_app( AppData::new() .pool(pool) .tokens_cache(tokens_cache) .s3_fs(s3_fs), ); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .delete(&format!("{}/files/?filename=doesnotmatter", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(500, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(1022, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn delete_files_missing_filename() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user_2"); let s3_resp_mock = MockRequestDispatcher::with_status(400); let s3_fs = setup_s3_fs(s3_resp_mock); let address = spawn_app( AppData::new() .pool(pool) .tokens_cache(tokens_cache) .s3_fs(s3_fs), ); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .delete(&format!("{}/files/", &address)) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: ApiError = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(409, json_resp.http_status); assert_eq!(1002, json_resp.error.code); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn delete_files_ok() { let pool = setup_test_db_with_user(); let tokens_cache = setup_tokens_cache("dummy-valid-token", "test_user_2"); let s3_resp_mock = MockRequestDispatcher::with_status(StatusCode::NO_CONTENT.as_u16()); let s3_fs = setup_s3_fs(s3_resp_mock); let address = spawn_app( AppData::new() .pool(pool) .tokens_cache(tokens_cache) .s3_fs(s3_fs), ); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .delete(&format!( "{}/files/?filename=same-wheter-it-exist-or-not", &address )) .header("Authorization", "Bearer dummy-valid-token") .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request"); let json_resp: RemoveFileResponse = resp .json::() .await .expect("Cannot decode JSON response"); assert_eq!(200, json_resp.status); }