use std::sync::Arc; use axum::{extract::Extension, routing::get, Router}; use futures::StreamExt; use prometheus::{IntCounter, IntGauge, Opts, Registry}; use signal_hook::consts::TERM_SIGNALS; use svc_utils::metrics::MetricsServer; // Simple http server that collects two metrics (requests counter and inc - dec requests gauge) and three routes: // / - increases counter // /inc - increases counter and gauge // /dec - increases counter and decreases gauge // The servers listens on http://localhost:8080/, metrics are served from http://localhost:8081/metrics #[tokio::main] async fn main() { if std::env::var_os("RUST_LOG").is_none() { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "foxford_ulms_svc_utils::metrics=debug") } tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); eprintln!("Hello world"); eprintln!("Listening on http://localhost:8080/\nAlso try visiting http://localhost:8080/inc and http://localhost:8080/dec"); eprintln!("Metrics on http://localhost:8081/metrics"); // Create a Counter. let counter = { let opts = Opts::new( "total_requests_counter", "Number of requests processed by the server", ); IntCounter::with_opts(opts).unwrap() }; let gauge = { let opts = Opts::new( "requests_gauge", "Number of requests processed by the server", ); IntGauge::with_opts(opts).unwrap() }; let r = Registry::new(); r.register(Box::new(counter.clone())).unwrap(); r.register(Box::new(gauge.clone())).unwrap(); let shared_state = Arc::new(State(counter, gauge)); let metrics_server = MetricsServer::new_with_registry(r, "".parse().unwrap()); let app = Router::new() .route("/", get(root)) .route("/inc", get(inc)) .route("/dec", get(dec)) .layer(Extension(shared_state)); let mut signals_stream = signal_hook_tokio::Signals::new(TERM_SIGNALS) .unwrap() .fuse(); let signals =; axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()) .serve(app.into_make_service()) .with_graceful_shutdown(async { signals.await; eprintln!("\nServer shutting down...") }) .await .unwrap(); metrics_server.shutdown().await; eprintln!("Goodbye"); } struct State(IntCounter, IntGauge); async fn root(state: Extension>) -> &'static str { state.0; "Hello world" } async fn inc(state: Extension>) -> &'static str { state.0; state.0; "Increased!" } async fn dec(state: Extension>) -> &'static str { state.0; state.0 .1.dec(); "Decreased!" }