use serde_yaml as yaml; use svd_parser as svd; use std::env::args; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::path::PathBuf; use yaml::Value; fn main() { // Collect command-line arguments. let mut args = args(); // Expect exactly one argument, with the name of the SVD file. // (Arg #0 is this program's name, Arg #1 is the actual argument) let svd_fn = if let (Some(_), Some(arg1), None) = (,, { PathBuf::from(arg1) } else { println!("Usage: (svd2yaml) file.svd"); return; }; // Open the XML-formatted SVD file and read it into a String. let mut svd_xml = String::new(); File::open(&svd_fn) .expect("Failed to open SVD input file") .read_to_string(&mut svd_xml) .expect("Failed to read SVD input file to a String"); // Use the 'svd_parser' crate to parse the file. let device = svd::parse(&mut svd_xml).expect("Failed to parse the SVD file into Rust structs"); // Convert the parsed data into YAML format. let v: Value = yaml::to_value(device).expect("Failed to serialize Rust structs into YAML format"); // Write the YAML-formatted device description to a file. let mut yaml_fn = svd_fn.clone(); yaml_fn.set_extension("yaml"); File::create(&yaml_fn) .expect("Failed to open YAML output file") .write_all(yaml::to_string(&v).unwrap().as_bytes()) .expect("Failed to write to YAML output file"); }