# svg_minimal-rs A minimal svg library making use of the `` tag and little else. The only path options are `M: move to`, `L: line to`, `C: bezier curve` and `Z: close path`. ## Example ```Rust use svg_minimal::*; fn main() { let mut svg = MinSVG::new([0,0,100,100]). // Construct an svg with the viewBox you would like svg.set_background_color(Color::Green); // If not invoked there will be no background let mut path = Path::new(); // Construct a new path element. I guess you only really need "one per color". path.set_stroke_color(Color::Black); // If not invoked the color is none path.set_stroke_width(3); // If not invoked the stroke-width is 0 path.move_to([0,0]); path.line_to([100,100]); path.bezier([100,80,20,0,0,0]); // Hope this works :) path.set_fill_color(Color::Black); // Fill the drawn path if you want to; svg.add_path(path); // Add the path to the svg let svg_string = svg.create(); // Returns the svg as a string } ```