# What `svscr` stands for '**s**a**v**e **scr**eenshot' and does exactly that. If you have an image saved in your clipboard, this command line tool will save it into a file. It can be used with any picture in the clipboard, not just screenshots. This tool was created for and tested on Windows 10, but you can probably build it on Linux too. # Why `svscr` is a quick and dirty way to save a clipped screenshot or a picture from a browser to any folder with any name using your terminal. Primarily used to screencap jack's discord messages. # How Put an image into your clipboard somehow and call `svscr`. This will create a `.png` image in user's home directory with a timestamp for file name. This directory is platform specific. An example of such name: `2024-05-19-131457.png`. You can supply a positional argument `NAME` with desired file name. This argument can also have file path and file extension. If the supplied path is relative it is appended to user's home folder path. If it is absolute, it will replace the default path. `-d` or `--dir` can be optionally used to supply a target directory to save the file to. If you supply directory with this flag *and* within file name, then they will be concatenated. E.g. `svscr inner/pic -d outer` will create a file with this path: `.../outer/inner/pic.png`. `-x` or `--extension` can be used to add an extension to your file. It will override the extension you supply within file name. E.g. `svscr pic.png -x webp` will save `pic.webp`, not `pic.png`. # Installation Either - download the [latest release](https://github.com/ArmoredPony/svscr/releases) from GitHub - if you have [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) and [Cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo) installed, execute ``` cargo install svscr ``` - or just clone the repo and build it yourself # Credits - anyhow - arboard - chrono - clap - home - image - jack