listen: - debug-routing: true routing: localhost/empty.gif: empty-gif localhost/favicon.ico: public localhost: chat localhost/sockjs-node: socksjs localhost/~~swindon-status: status handlers: chat: !SwindonLattice session-pool: chat http-route: html compatibility: v0.6.2 message-handlers: "*": chat empty-gif: !EmptyGif status: !SelfStatus public: !Static mode: relative_to_domain_root path: ./public text-charset: utf-8 html: !Proxy destination: webpack # The way socksjs does websocket emulation: it creates a response with # chunked encoding. While we might be able to process it well, it occupies # connection and the request that is pipelined after this one hangs # indefinitely. So we need separate connection pool for such connections socksjs: !Proxy destination: socksjs-emu session-pools: chat: listen: [] inactivity-handlers: [chat] http-destinations: chat: override-host-header: swindon.internal addresses: - webpack: addresses: - socksjs-emu: addresses: - backend-connections-per-ip-port: 100 in-flight-requests-per-backend-connection: 1 queue-size-for-503: 1