containers: xenial: setup: - !Ubuntu xenial - !UbuntuUniverse - &pkgs !Install - make - gcc - libc6-dev - zlib1g-dev - libssl-dev - libcurl4-openssl-dev - ca-certificates - libcurl3 - pkg-config - git # to build package - lsb-release # to build package - vim # to edit release notes - &rust !TarInstall url: script: "./ --prefix=/usr \ --components=rustc,rust-std-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,cargo" - !TarInstall url: "" script: "./ --prefix=/musl \ --components=rust-std-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" - !Sh 'ln -s /musl/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl /usr/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl' - !Install [musl-tools] - &bulk !Tar url: "" sha256: 23471a9986274bb4b7098c03e2eb7e1204171869b72c45385fcee1c64db2d111 path: / - !EnsureDir /cargo environ: &environ CARGO_HOME: /cargo volumes: &volumes /cargo: !Persistent { name: cargo } trusty: setup: - !Ubuntu trusty - *pkgs - *rust - *bulk - !EnsureDir /cargo environ: *environ volumes: *volumes precise: setup: - !Ubuntu precise - *pkgs - *rust - *bulk - !EnsureDir /cargo environ: *environ volumes: *volumes sphinx: setup: - !Alpine v3.5 - !Install [make] - !PipConfig { dependencies: true } - !Py2Install [sphinx] - !Py2Requirements "docs/requirements.txt" auto-clean: true httpbin: setup: - !Alpine v3.4 - !PipConfig {dependencies: true} - !Py3Install - httpbin - gunicorn - gevent auto-clean: true wrk: setup: - !Container xenial - !UbuntuUniverse - !Install - wrk message-board: # example setup: - !Alpine v3.4 - !Install [ca-certificates] - !PipConfig { dependencies: true } - !Py3Requirements "examples/message-board/requirements.txt" message-board2: # example setup: - !Alpine v3.6 - !Install [ca-certificates] - !Install [nodejs, nodejs-npm] - !PipConfig { dependencies: true } - !Py3Requirements "examples/message-board2/requirements.txt" - !NpmDependencies file: "examples/message-board2/package.json" environ: NODE_PATH: /usr/lib/node_modules presence: # example setup: - !Alpine v3.6 - !Install [ca-certificates] - !Install [nodejs, nodejs-npm] - !PipConfig { dependencies: true } - !Py3Requirements "examples/presence/requirements.txt" - !NpmDependencies file: "examples/presence/package.json" # temporary for git install - !Sh | cd /usr/lib/node_modules/swindon npm install npm run build environ: NODE_PATH: /usr/lib/node_modules multi-user-chat: # example setup: - !Alpine v3.4 - !Install [ca-certificates] - !PipConfig { dependencies: true } - !Py3Requirements "examples/multi-user-chat/requirements.txt" - !NpmDependencies file: "examples/multi-user-chat/package.json" environ: NODE_PATH: /usr/lib/node_modules multi-user-chat2: # example setup: - !Alpine v3.6 - !Install [ca-certificates] - !PipConfig { dependencies: true } - !Py3Requirements "examples/multi-user-chat2/requirements.txt" - !NpmDependencies file: "examples/multi-user-chat2/package.json" environ: NODE_PATH: /usr/lib/node_modules pytest: setup: - !Ubuntu xenial - !AptTrust keys: [4AB0F789CBA31744CC7DA76A8CF63AD3F06FC659] - !UbuntuPPA jonathonf/python-3.6 - !Install [libcurl3, libdw1, python3.6, python3.6-dev, ca-certificates] - !BuildDeps - wget - make - cmake - gcc - g++ - pkg-config - libdw-dev - libiberty-dev - zlib1g-dev - libcurl4-openssl-dev - binutils-dev - python - !TarInstall url: script: | mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr make make install - !PipConfig dependencies: true install-python: false python-exe: /usr/bin/python3.6 - !Py3Requirements "tests/requirements.txt" commands: rustc: !Command container: xenial description: Run rustc command run: [rustc] cargo: !Command container: xenial symlink-name: cargo description: Run Cargo command run: [cargo] make: !Command container: xenial description: Build project run: [cargo, build] cargo-test: !Command container: xenial description: Run CI tests (with crates in container) environ: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 run: [cargo, test] func-test: &functest !Command container: pytest work-dir: /work/tests prerequisites: [make] user-id: 1 environ: AIOHTTP_NO_EXTENSIONS: 1 run: [pytest] test: !Command prerequisites: [make, cargo-test] <<: *functest run: &run !Command container: xenial description: Run environ: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 run: - cargo - run - --bin=swindon - "--" - --verbose - --config=example.yaml bench-run: &bench-run !Command container: xenial description: Run swindon for benchmarks (--release and specific config) environ: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 run: - cargo - run - --release - --bin=swindon - "--" - --verbose - --config=example.yaml devd: !Command container: xenial description: Run swindon-dev (useless without parameters) run: - cargo - run - --bin=swindon-dev - "--" debug-run: !Command container: xenial description: Run with debugging enabled run: | cargo build echo Starting... RUST_LOG=debug exec ./target/debug/swindon --config=example.yaml httpbin: &httpbin !Command container: httpbin description: Run httpbin instance run: - gunicorn - httpbin:app - -b - - --log-level - debug - -k - gevent run-with-proxy: !Supervise description: Run swindon & httpbin children: httpbin: *httpbin swindon: *run run-two: !Supervise description: Run two instances of swindon with replication children: inst1: !Command <<: *run run: - cargo - run - --bin=swindon - "--" - --verbose - --config=example-peer-A.yaml inst2: !Command <<: *run run: - cargo - run - --bin=swindon - "--" - --verbose - --config=example-peer-B.yaml _cargo-doc: !Command container: xenial description: build rust docs environ: CARGO_HOME: /cargo run: | cargo doc --no-deps _copy-doc: !Command container: xenial description: copy rust docs into sphinx build dir prerequisites: [_cargo-doc] run: | mkdir -p docs/_build/html [ -d docs/_build/html/rust_api ] && rm -r docs/_build/html/rust_api cp -rT target/doc docs/_build/html/rust_api _cargo-new: !Command container: xenial description: Create New Crate lib work-dir: /work/deps run: [cargo, new, --vcs, git] doc: !Command container: sphinx description: Build documentation prerequisites: [_copy-doc] epilog: | --------------------------------------------------- Run this to open docs in browser: xdg-open $(pwd)/docs/_build/html/index.html work-dir: docs run: [make, html] wrk: !Command container: wrk description: Run wrk tool run: [wrk] example-message-board: !Supervise description: Run swindon and message board example prerequisites: [make] children: swindon: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/message-board environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon.yaml board: !Command container: message-board work-dir: examples/message-board environ: LISTEN_FDS: 1 pass-tcp-socket: run: - python3 - -m - messageboard example-message-board2: !Supervise description: Run swindon and message board 2 example prerequisites: [make] children: swindon: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/message-board2 environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1, RUST_LOG: "debug,tokio_core=warn" } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon.yaml webpack: !Command container: message-board2 work-dir: examples/message-board2 run: - webpack - --watch board: !Command container: message-board2 work-dir: examples/message-board2 environ: LISTEN_FDS: 1 pass-tcp-socket: run: - python3 - -m - messageboard example-message-board2-two-nodes: !Supervise description: Run swindon and message board 2 example employing two nodes of swindon with replication prerequisites: [make] children: swindon1: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/message-board2 environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1, RUST_LOG: "debug,tokio_core=warn" } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon1.yaml swindon2: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/message-board2 environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1, RUST_LOG: "debug,tokio_core=warn" } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon2.yaml webpack: !Command container: message-board2 work-dir: examples/message-board2 run: - webpack - --watch board: !Command container: message-board2 work-dir: examples/message-board2 environ: LISTEN_FDS: 1 pass-tcp-socket: run: - python3 - -m - messageboard example-presence: !Supervise description: Run swindon and presence example prerequisites: [make] children: swindon: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/presence environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1, RUST_LOG: "debug,tokio_core=warn" } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon.yaml webpack: !Command container: presence work-dir: examples/presence run: - webpack - --watch board: !Command container: presence work-dir: examples/presence environ: LISTEN_FDS: 1 pass-tcp-socket: run: - python3 - -m - presence example-presence-two-nodes: !Supervise description: Run swindon and presence example employing two nodes of swindon with replication prerequisites: [make] children: swindon1: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/presence environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon1.yaml swindon2: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/presence environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon2.yaml webpack: !Command container: presence work-dir: examples/presence run: - webpack - --watch board: !Command container: presence work-dir: examples/presence environ: LISTEN_FDS: 1 pass-tcp-socket: run: - python3 - -m - presence example-multi-user-chat: !Supervise description: Run swindon and multi-user-chat example prerequisites: [make] children: swindon: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon.yaml chat: !Command container: multi-user-chat work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat run: - python3 - -m - muc react-app: !Command container: multi-user-chat work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat run: - npm - start example-multi-user-chat2: !Supervise description: Run swindon and multi-user-chat 2 example prerequisites: [make] children: swindon: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat2 environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon.yaml chat: !Command container: multi-user-chat2 work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat2 run: - python3 - -m - muc react-app: !Command container: multi-user-chat2 work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat2 run: - npm - start example-multi-user-chat2-two-nodes: !Supervise description: Run swindon and multi-user-chat 2 example employing two nodes of swindon with replication prerequisites: [make] children: swindon1: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat2 environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon1.yaml swindon2: !Command container: xenial work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat2 environ: { RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 } run: - ../../target/debug/swindon - --verbose - --config=swindon2.yaml chat: !Command container: multi-user-chat2 work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat2 run: - python3 - -m - muc react-app: !Command container: multi-user-chat2 work-dir: examples/multi-user-chat2 run: - npm - start bulk: !Command description: Run any bulk command container: xenial run: [bulk] _package-trusty: !Command container: trusty run: &package | set -e version=$(git describe --dirty) codename=$(lsb_release --codename --short) rm -rf pkg rm -rf target/release/swindon* bulk with-version "${version}" cargo install --root=/work/pkg/usr --path=. rm pkg/usr/.crates.toml bulk pack --package-version="${version}+${codename}1" _package-precise: !Command container: precise run: *package _package-xenial: !Command container: xenial run: *package packages: !Command container: xenial description: Build packages and repostories (mostly for CI) prerequisites: [_package-trusty, _package-precise, _package-xenial] accepts_arguments: true run: | bulk repo-add --config bulk.yaml --repository-base dist/repos \ dist/swindon-[0-9]*.deb "$@"