use parking_lot::Mutex; use std::{ future::Future, pin::Pin, sync::{Arc, Weak}, task::{Context, Poll, Waker}, }; use switchyard::{threads::single_thread, Switchyard}; #[test] fn held_thread_local_data() { let mut yard = Switchyard::new(single_thread(None, None), || ()).unwrap(); let (sender, receiver) = flume::unbounded(); yard.spawn_local(0, |arc| async move { sender.send(arc).unwrap(); }); let arc = receiver.recv().unwrap(); futures_executor::block_on(yard.wait_for_idle()); assert_eq!(yard.access_per_thread_data(), None); drop(arc) } struct ImmediateWake; impl Future for ImmediateWake { type Output = (); fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { cx.waker().wake_by_ref(); Poll::Ready(()) } } #[test] fn immediate_wake() { let yard = Switchyard::new(single_thread(None, None), || ()).unwrap(); let handle = yard.spawn(0, ImmediateWake); futures_executor::block_on(handle); } struct HeldWaker { waker: Weak>>, } impl Future for HeldWaker { type Output = (); #[allow(unused_mut)] // platforms seem to disagree if this should be mut or not, no idea why. fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { *self.waker.upgrade().unwrap().lock() = Some(cx.waker().clone()); Poll::Pending } } #[test] fn held_waker() { let yard = Switchyard::new(single_thread(None, None), || ()).unwrap(); let waker = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)); let future = HeldWaker { waker: Arc::downgrade(&waker), }; yard.spawn(0, future); futures_executor::block_on(yard.wait_for_idle()); assert_eq!(, 1); drop(waker); assert_eq!(, 0); }