### Getting started ```rust let opts = ServerOpts { host: "".to_string(), port: 5000 }; let ex_server = Server::new(opts, 4); let home_handler : Box = Box::new(move |val| { let req = val.downcast_ref::(); match req { Some(request) => { let param = request.path.trim_start_matches("/home/"); println!("param is {}", param); if param == "" { return Box::new(CustomError{msg :"invalid path".to_string()}); } Box::new(format!("welcome home {}", param)) }, None => { Box::new(CustomError{msg: "internal server error".to_string()}) }, } }); //define and initialize the router and map the handler to the routes let mut router = Router::init(); router.add::("/home".to_string(), "GET".to_string(), home_handler); // start the server let result = ex_server.lock().unwrap().start(router); if let Err(err) = result { println!("error : {}", err.error) } ``` ### storage interface Guide to implementation of sws built in storage interface ```rust struct ExampleMemStore { items : HashMap } impl ExampleMemStore { pub fn new() -> ExampleMemStore { ExampleMemStore { items : HashMap::new()} } } // storage trait for ExampleMemStore impl Store for ExampleMemStore { fn getAll(&self) -> Vec { todo!() } fn get(&self, key : String) -> Option { todo!() } fn add(&mut self, key: String, val : ExampleItem) -> Option { todo!() } fn update(&mut self, key: String, val : ExampleItem) -> Option { todo!() } fn delete(&mut self, key: String) -> Option { todo!() } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct ExampleItem { ex_id : i32, item_name: String } // initialize mem store let ex_mem_store_global = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ExampleMemStore::new())); // this is unified mutable global shared storage to persist the application state ``` ## License [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)