# sybot
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A simple library to control groups of components and robots.
Extension library for the [syact](https://crates.io/crates/syact).
Full documentation will be added soon
### Goal
- Create an all-in-one library for controlling robots, exposing them to networks and doing basic calculations
## In action
The following example creates a new [SyArm robot](https://github.com/SamuelNoesslboeck/SyArm_Mk1), runs all setup functions and executes a GCode-script.
Click to show Cargo.toml
# ...
# Include the library configured for the raspberry pi
sybot = { version = "0.8.2, features = [ "rasp" ] }
# ...
```rust ,ignore
use sybot::{Robot, JsonConfig, ActRobot, Setup};
use sybot::robot::SyArm;
use sybot::intpr::Interpreter;
use sybot::intpr::gcode::init_intpr;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// Load the standard-partlibs in order to use motor names as data
// ```json
// "device": {
// "consts": "MOT_17HE15_1504S", // Motor name, see
// //
// "pin_dir": 17,
// "pin_step": 26
// },
// ```
let libs = sybot::partlib::create_std_libs();
// Create the robot out of the [configuration file]
// (https://github.com/SamuelNoesslboeck/sybot/blob/master/res/SyArm_Mk1.conf.json)
let mut syarm = SyArm::from_conf(
JsonConfig::read_from_file(&libs, "res/SyArm_Mk1.conf.json")
// Run setup functions
// Enables async movements (multiple motors moving at once)
// Select "NoTool" at index 2
// Create a new GCode interpreter
let intpr = init_intpr();
// Run a GCode script
dbg!(intpr.interpret_file(&mut syarm, "res/gcode/basicYZpos.gcode"));
*(Source: "examples/in_action.rs")*
## Features
For more features, see [syact#features](https://crates.io/crates/syact#features)
- [x] [Robots](/docs/robots.md)
- [x] Basic 3D-Printer like robot ("Syomat")
- [x] Basic robotic arm ("SyArm")
- [x] [Custom robots](/docs/robots/custom_robots.md)
- [x] [Tools](/docs/robots/tools.md)
- [ ] [Configuration files](/docs/configuration.md)
- [ ] JSON
- [x] Parsing
- [ ] Generating
- [ ] [Calculation](/docs/calculation.md)
- [ ] Forces
- [x] Basic
- [ ] Advanced
- [ ] Inertias
- [x] Basic
- [ ] Advanced
- [ ] Paths
- [x] [Controls](/docs/controls.md)
- [x] GCode
- [ ] Lua scripting
- [ ] [Networking](/docs/networking.md)
- [x] HTTP
- [x] MQTT
- [ ] Serial
- [ ] Logging
## Issues and requests
If you encounter any issues or if you have any request for new features, feel free to create an issue at the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/SamuelNoesslboeck/sybot).