use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use sycamore::web::tags::*; use super::*; fn check(actual: impl FnOnce() -> View, expect: &Expect) { expect.assert_eq(&sycamore::render_to_string(actual)); } mod hello_world { use super::*; fn v() -> View { p().children("Hello World!").into() } static EXPECT: Expect = expect![[r#"

Hello World!

"#]]; #[test] fn ssr() { check(v, &EXPECT); } #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test() { let c = test_container(); c.set_inner_html(; sycamore::hydrate_to(v, &c); assert_text_content!(query("p"), "Hello World!"); } } mod hydrate_recursive { use super::*; fn v() -> View { div().children(p().children("Nested")).into() } static EXPECT: Expect = expect![[r#"


"#]]; #[test] fn ssr() { check(v, &EXPECT); } #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test() { let c = test_container(); c.set_inner_html(; sycamore::hydrate_to(v, &c); assert_text_content!(query("p"), "Nested"); } } mod multiple_nodes_at_same_depth { use super::*; fn v() -> View { div() .children(( p().id("first").children("First"), p().id("second").children("Second"), )) .into() } static EXPECT: Expect = expect![[ r#"



"# ]]; #[test] fn ssr() { check(v, &EXPECT); } #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test() { let c = test_container(); c.set_inner_html(; sycamore::hydrate_to(v, &c); assert_text_content!(query("div>p#first"), "First"); assert_text_content!(query("div>p#second"), "Second"); } } mod top_level_fragment { use super::*; fn v() -> View { ( p().id("first").children("First"), p().id("second").children("Second"), ) .into() } static EXPECT: Expect = expect![[ r#"



"# ]]; #[test] fn ssr() { check(v, &EXPECT); } #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test() { let c = test_container(); c.set_inner_html(; sycamore::hydrate_to(v, &c); // Hydration should not change inner html. assert_text_content!(query("p#first"), "First"); assert_text_content!(query("p#second"), "Second"); } } mod dynamic { use super::*; fn v(state: ReadSignal) -> View { p().children(move || state.get()).into() } static EXPECT: Expect = expect![[r#"


"#]]; #[test] fn ssr() { check(|| v(*create_signal(0)), &EXPECT); } #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test() { let c = test_container(); c.set_inner_html(; let _ = create_root(|| { let state = create_signal(0); sycamore::hydrate_in_scope(|| v(*state), &c); assert_text_content!(query("p"), "0"); // Reactivity should work normally. state.set(1); assert_text_content!(query("p"), "1"); // P tag should still be the SSR-ed node, not a new node. assert_eq!(query("p").get_attribute("data-hk").as_deref(), Some("0.0")); }); } } mod dynamic_with_siblings { use super::*; fn v(state: ReadSignal) -> View { p().children(("Value: ", move || state.get(), "!")).into() } static EXPECT: Expect = expect![[r#"

Value: 0!

"#]]; #[test] fn ssr() { check(|| v(*create_signal(0)), &EXPECT); } #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test() { let c = test_container(); c.set_inner_html(; let _ = create_root(|| { let state = create_signal(0); sycamore::hydrate_in_scope(|| v(*state), &c); // Reactivity should work normally. state.set(1); assert_text_content!(query("p"), "Value: 1!"); // P tag should still be the SSR-ed node, not a new node. assert_eq!(query("p").get_attribute("data-hk").as_deref(), Some("0.0")); }); } } mod top_level_dynamic_with_siblings { use super::*; fn v(state: ReadSignal) -> View { ("Value: ", move || state.get(), "!").into() } static EXPECT: Expect = expect!["Value: 0!"]; #[test] fn ssr() { check(|| v(*create_signal(0)), &EXPECT); } #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test() { let c = test_container(); c.set_inner_html(; let _ = create_root(|| { let state = create_signal(0); sycamore::hydrate_in_scope(|| v(*state), &c); // Reactivity should work normally. state.set(1); assert_text_content!(c, "Value: 1!"); }); } }